[lg policy] call: Linguistische Zug änge zu Konflikten in europäischen Sprachräumen

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jan 26 14:53:47 UTC 2013

Linguistische Zugänge zu Konflikten in europäischen Sprachräumen

Date: 18-Mar-2013 - 23-Mar-2013
Location: Heidleberg, Germany
Contact: Janine Luth
Contact Email: < click here to access email >

Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics

Meeting Description:

The European Center for Linguistics (EZS), a co-operation between the
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and the Institute for German
Language in Mannheim (IDS), is advertising 45 places for participants
at the Winter School "Linguistic approaches to conflicts in European
language areas. Corpus - pragmatics - controversial". The Winter
School, which is kindly supported by Volkswagen Foundation, is taking
place at the German Department of the University of Heidelberg from
the 18 to 23 March 2013. The participants will be dealing with the
general topic of 'conflict linguistics' in workshops and presentations
by renowned referents like Guus Extra, Johannes Schwitalla, Hans Goebl
and Arnulf Deppermann amongst others.

Conflicts and their resolution are inherent in our daily life and our
increasingly interconnected existence. From the day-to-day
controversies to the intricate processes of the European Union, we
struggle to resolve our differences. Language is intimately involved
in all conflicts and their resolutions. Most conflicts arise and are
communicated via language. Likewise, language is the medium par
excellence to arrive at their most elegant solutions. Thus, we
valiantly strive 'to find the right word' or 'to use the correct
language'. Indeed, we observe that, 'it´s not just what is said, but
how it is communicated'. Our facility in utilizing language to
penetrate social-cultural barriers reflects our progress as a species,
and underlies any legitimate claim a society has to true knowledge and
power. To understand and to resolve our conflicts, we need to know and
to promulgate the rules and routines of linguistic communication. As
linguists, we have much to contribute to the analysis and resolution
of modern day conflicts on both 'basic' and 'applied' levels. With our
social-symbolic models, we have the tools that can describe the
communicative assumptions that are at the core of a controversy, and
then to guide further analyses. Thereafter, our strategies to resolve
current differences and to avoid future ones flow directly from our
linguistic models.

Das Europäische Zentrum für Sprachwissenschaften (EZS), eine
Kooperation zwischen der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg und dem
Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim, schreibt 45 Plätze zur
Teilnahme an der Winterschule "Linguistische Zugänge zu Konflikten in
europäischen Sprachräumen. Korpus - Pragmatik - kontrovers'aus. Die
Winterschule findet vom 18. bis zum 23. März 2013 im Germanistischen
Seminar der Universität Heidelberg statt. In Workshops und Vorträgen,
die von renommierten Referentinnen und Referenten (u. a. Guus Extra,
Johannes Schwitalla, Hans Goebl, Sylvia Kalina und Arnulf Deppermann)
geleitet werden, setzen sich die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer mit
dem Rahmenthema "Konfliktlinguistik' auseinander.

Requirements for participants and application:

The request for applications is directed at young academics in
linguistics within all philologies preferably working on a research
project that is related to the general topic of the Winter School.

In order to apply we kindly ask you to send us the following data

- A short CV (in table form)
- An abstract about the current research project (about 1000 characters)
- A motivational statement

Please send these documents via email to the administration office
(luthezs-online.de). Your application should reach us by the 15
February 2013 at the latest. The participants will be selected by the
Winter School's hosts and initiators Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ludwig
M. Eichinger (IDS Mannheim), Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Felder (University of
Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Jörg Riecke (University of Heidelberg) and
Junior Prof. Dr. Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg/Breisgau).

You may also apply for a scholarship (a max. of   200). In order to do
so please include a short statement giving reasons (e.g. raising a
child during your PhD, low income) in your application.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to send
us an email (luthezs-online.de) or phone us (0049 - 6221 - 54 3241).

Programme und methods:

The talks and workshops are held over several days and will cover the
theoretical basics and methods for a linguistic analysis of different
settings (from a conversation to transnational discourses). The focus
is on the current discussion about the divergence and the
complementarity of the different methodological approaches within
linguistics: qualitative analysis of conversations and texts as well
as quantitative corpus analysis with regard to the central levels of
the language system.

On the afternoon of day 1 (18 March 2013) the participants will
present their current research projects in a poster session and in the
evening the Winter School opens officially with the presentation
"Responding to increasing linguistic diversity in multicultural
Europe" by Prof. Guus Extra in a festive atmosphere. On Tuesday (19
March 2013) several presentations will introduce the participants to
the general topic, which will be discussed in more detail on days 3-5
(20 to 22 March 2013) in workshops. On day 5 (22 March 2013) the
results of the workshops will be presented and evaluated. The Winter
School will end on the morning of the 23 March 2013.

The complete programme as well as the abstracts of each presentation
and workshop can be found on the homepage:



13.00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ludwig M. Eichinger (Direktor des Instituts
für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim)
Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Felder (Germanistisches Seminar, Univ. Heidelberg)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Riecke (Germanistisches Seminar, Univ. Heidelberg)

18.00 Uhr
"Responding to increasing linguistic diversity in multicultural Europe":
Prof. Dr. Guus Extra (Tilburg, Niederlande)

Vortrag 9.00--10.30 Uhr "Jemanden missachten und miteinander streiten
- und was die Linguistik dazu zu sagen hat": Prof. Dr. Johannes
Schwitalla (Würzburg)

Vortrag 11.00--12.30 Uhr "Historische Konfliktlinguistik": Prof. Dr.
Hans Goebl (Salzburg)

Vortrag 14.00--15.30 Uhr "Translation and interpreting in European
conflict settings": Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kalina (Köln)

Vortrag 16.00--17.30 Uhr "Konflikt und Verständigungsprobleme in den
Schlichtungsgesprächen zu Stuttgart 21": Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann

Vortrag 18.30--20.00 Uhr "Sprachliche Konfliktdynamik in der
Internetkommunikation": Jun.-Prof. Dr. Friedemann Vogel (Freiburg)

Methodenworkshops vom 20.03. bis zum 22.03.2013

Workshop 9.00--10.30 Uhr; 11.00--12.30 Uhr
"Gesprächslinguistische Zugänge zu Konflikten": Prof. Dr. Inken Keim
(Mannheim)/Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fiehler (Mannheim)/Dr. Marcus Müller

Workshop 9.00--10.30 Uhr; 11.00--12.30 Uhr
"Qualitative Text- und Diskurslinguistik": Prof. Dr. Wolf-Andreas
Liebert (Koblenz)

Workshop 9.00--10.30 Uhr; 11.00--12.30 Uhr
"Quantitative und qualitative Korpuslinguistik": Rainer Perkuhn
(Mannheim)/Cyril Belica (Mannheim)

Workshop 9.00--10.30 Uhr; 11.00--12.30 Uhr
"Gesprächslinguistische Zugänge zu Konflikten": Prof. Dr. Inken Keim
(Mannheim)/Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fiehler (Mannheim)/Dr. Marcus Müller

Workshop 9.00--10.30 Uhr; 11.00--12.30 Uhr
"Qualitative Text- und Diskurslinguistik": Prof. Dr. Wolf-Andreas
Liebert (Koblenz)

Workshop 9.00--10.30 Uhr; 11.00--12.30 Uhr
"Quantitative und qualitative Korpuslinguistik": Rainer Perkuhn
(Mannheim)/Cyril Belica (Mannheim)

Pragmatik und Korpuslinguistik
Workshop 14.00--16.30 Uhr "Konfliktdiskurse": Dr. Constanze Spieß (Münster)
Workshop 14.00--16.30 Uhr "Verhandeln im Extrembereich. Authentische
Geiselnahme-Kommunikation und Angewandte Gesprächsforschung": Prof.
Dr. Michael Klemm (Koblenz)
Workshop 17.00--19.30 Uhr "Konfliktualität messen? Konflikte in
korpuslinguistischer Perspektive": Prof. Dr. Joachim Scharloth
Workshop 17.00--19.30 Uhr "Keywords in conflict": Prof. Dr. Beatrix
Busse (Heidelberg)

Lexik und Grammatik
Vortrag 14.00--16.30 Uhr "Konfliktvokabular historisch betrachtet":
Dr. Stefaniya Ptashnyk (Heidelberg)
Workshop 14.00--16.30 Uhr "Sprache und Gewalt": Prof. Dr. Anja
Lobenstein-Reichmann (Göttingen/Heidelberg/Prag)
Workshop 14.00--16.30 Uhr "Konfliktsprache um 1800: Semantische Kämpfe
zwischen Klassik und Romantik": Prof. Dr. Jochen A. Bär (Vechta)
Workshop 17.00--19.00 Uhr "Kleine Wörter, große Wirkung:
Modalpartikeln im Streit": Dr. Gabriela Kendeffy (Heidelberg)
Workshop 17.00--19.00 Uhr "Konnektoren als Indikatoren diskursiver Kontroversen"
Katharina Jacob/Anna Mattfeldt (Heidelberg)

Podiumsdiskussion 20.00 Uhr "Qualität oder Quantität? - Konflikte in
der Linguistik":
Prof. Dr. Martin Becker (Köln)
Prof. Dr. Marianne Hundt (Zürich)
Prof. Dr. Angelika Linke (Zürich)
Prof. Dr. Oskar Reichmann (Heidelberg)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Felder (Heidelberg)


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