[Lgpolicy] Book - An Introduction to Language and Social Justice: What Is, What has Been, and What Could Be

Francis M. Hult via Lgpolicy lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Fri Jan 19 14:56:25 UTC 2024

Via AppliedLinguistics_SocialJustice...

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year! I hope you're all doing well. Patricia and I are excited to
announce that our new book *An Introduction to Language and Social Justice:
What Is, What Has Been and What Could Be* is now out from Routledge


Below is the book description:

*"This innovative, interdisciplinary course textbook is designed to provide
the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the intersections of language,
inequality, and social justice in North America, using the Applied
Linguistic Anthropological (ALA) framework.  Written in accessible language
and at a level equally legible for advanced undergraduate and graduate
students, this text connects theory and practice by sketching out relevant
historical background, introducing theoretical and conceptual
underpinnings, illustrating with case studies, discussing a wide range of
key issues, and explaining research methodologies. Using a
general-to-specialized content structure, the expert authors then show
readers how to apply these principles and lessons in communities in the
real world, to become advocates and change agents in the realm of language
and social justice."*

The book is designed as a hands-on tool with frameworks, reflections,
activities, and case studies based on the iterative ALA framework, a
“multi-scaled, temporally-shaped critical engagement with socially-situated
language issues, balancing contextual knowledge, relationship-building, and
aspirations for action”. We have learned so much through engagement with,
collaborations with, and resources shared by those on this listserv and
beyond, and the book features that work in myriad ways. The book also
includes a series of inspiring vignettes from language and social justice
scholars and practitioners Uju Anya, Carla Marie Muñoz, Desirée Muñoz,
Bernard Perley, K. Wayne Yang, and Rachel Showstack.

We hope you, your colleagues, and your students may find the text useful
and relevant to your work. We look forward to engaging further now and into
the future!

All our best,

Netta (Avineri) and Patricia (Baquedano- López)
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