<FONT face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=2><div>Dear Hamo:</div><DIV> </DIV><DIV>The Lingala that Mobutu introduced to the DR Congolese was the standard Lingala which originated from his ethnic background the Bangala. Then that Lingala was modified by "La Kinoiserie" pride of belonging to Kinshasa social group and its philosophy ( urban prestige as an important motivating factor for learning Lingala Creole). And promoted by its lyrics, entertainers, sport' s superstars, and so forth.</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>1. Kinshasa is one of the biggest cities in the world. To found out what % of all DRC live in Kinshasa you better read the UN's world repot on that. Remember that DR Congo is the 10th largest country of the world (D.C. Health and Company(1987, p.28)). </DIV><DIV>2. The DR Congolese believe that achievement is associated with education. 95% of DR congolese receives formal education and 100% would like to receive formal education if given opportunity.</DIV><DIV>3. Yes, there is. DR Congo public educational system is one of the most respected educational system in Africa and Europe. Too many DR Congolese scholars in Global educational arena.</DIV><DIV>4. Yes, they are. They are publicly educated. Since most of them can't effort private education. The best public educational system is under catholic schools' administration.</DIV><DIV>5. The textbooks are in French ( for college and high school). In Kinshasa, textbooks are in Lingala and French up to K8, the same apply to each province(region) - textbooks are in the national language and French (Lingala and French, Tshiluba and French, Kikongo and French, Kingwana/Swahili and French). Kinshasa Lingala Creole as a lingua franca is dominant in the streets of most of the DR Congolese main cities, such as Kisangani, Lubumbashi, Goma, Kikwit and so forth. The DR Congolese language ecology has a huge impact in the national educational policy. Young DR Congolese performance is affected by the language ecology situation of the country since the education at the higher level is in the language that is not their every day means of communication or the language in which they don't rationalize. There is the challenge for the DR Congo and the African Union's language and education policy. Should Lingala become the language of medium of education side by side with French, thus the country adopting a bilingual educational policy like in Canada? Then we will have the USA of Africa in terms of socioeconomic development of that part of the world.</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>Indeed! the Kinois, "la kinoiserie" and its KL-Creole is the almighty feature of urban identity/prestige among the DR Congolese at home and abroad. What is interesting in the kinois is that they (kinois) think that no matter from which main city of the country a DR Congolese is from or has been educated, if he/she doesn't speak the KL-Creole thus he/she is a "<EM>mbokatier"</EM> in Kinshasa Lingala Creole<EM> ,</EM> which is said<EM> "mowuta"</EM> in Standard Lingala<EM>,</EM> "<EM>villageois/e</EM>" in French, which means "<EM>country man/woman"</EM> or "<EM>villager</EM>" in English.</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>There lies an other big challenge for the DR. Congolese language policy makers: Should they develop textbooks in KL-Creole and French or in Standard Lingala and French.</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>Finally, KL-Creole as a special lingua franca like any other special lingua franca has both national ( in a highly multilingual country) and international ( DR. Congo, Congo- Brazzaville, RC. Africa, Northern Angola, ...) identity feature. <A href="http://african.lss.wisc.edu/nalrc/lingala.htm" target=blank>http://african.lss.wisc.edu/nalrc/lingala.htm</A></DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>David Balosa</DIV><DIV>LaSalle University</DIV><DIV>Philadelphia, USA</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV> </DIV></FONT>