<BODY><P>Dear Colleagues,</P>
<P>I have been asked to do a very quick survey of US doctoral programs (Ph.D. and Ed.D) in TESOL and Bilingual Education- and more general programs with concentrations in one or both.</P>
<P>I'm on a super short timeline and would deeply appreciate your list of programs you think are</P>
<P>l. Among the top 10 or so in the country in your estimation.</P>
<P>2. Among the top 25</P>
<P>3. Lower but still good</P>
<P>4. Exist, but have limitations.</P>
<P>With appreciation for your input!</P>
<P><BR><BR>Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, Ph.D. <BR><MEE1@nyu.edu> <BR>Director of Doctoral Programs in Multilingual Multicultural Studies <BR>New York University,635 East Building <BR>239 Greene St., New York, NY 10003 <BR><BR>work phone: 212-998-5195 <BR><BR></P>