<div><br clear="all">God i tok long yumi long Tok Pisin: </div>
<div>Eine Betrachtung der Bibelübersetzung in Tok Pisin vor dem Hintergrund der </div>
<div>sprachlichen Identität eines Papua-Neuguinea zwischen Tradition und Moderne<br><br><br>Institution: RWTH Aachen University <br>Program: Researches in Applied Linguistics <br>Dissertation Status: Completed <br>Degree Date: 2006
<br><br>Author: Timo Lothmann <br><br>Dissertation Title: God i tok long yumi long Tok Pisin: Eine Betrachtung der Bibelübersetzung in Tok Pisin vor dem Hintergrund der sprachlichen Identität eines Papua-Neuguinea zwischen Tradition und Moderne
<br><br><br>Subject Language(s): <a href="http://linguistlist.org/forms/langs/LLDescription.cfm?code=tpi">Tok Pisin (tpi)</a> <br><br>Dissertation Director:<br>Rudolf Beier <br><br>Dissertation Abstract:<br><br>Tok Pisin, a pidgin/creole language, serves as a lingua franca for the
<br>majority of the population of Papua New Guinea. In 1989, a translation of <br>the complete Bible has been published. The main aim of this PhD thesis is <br>to validate in how far this Bible version, i.e. the Buk Baibel, meets the
<br>self-imposed requirements of the translators regarding the functional range <br>and standardization of the Tok Pisin language used. Moreover, the question <br>of appropriate target orientation is raised. Is the Buk Baibel a
<br>translation 'of quality,' thus suitable for the recipients in their spheres <br>of life? In connexion with this, the principle of functional equivalence <br>served as an idealistic, but nevertheless proven, effective and modern
<br>methodological model for my analysis. <br><br>After providing an introduction to contact languages, the linguistic and <br>socio-historical development of Tok Pisin is depicted. Further, a chapter <br>on the specificities of Christianity in Papua New Guinea prepares for the
<br>main part of the thesis. It starts out with the history of origins of the <br>Buk Baibel, including the theoretical framework of its translation and <br>preliminary language standardization efforts. Subsequently, the results of
<br>an extensive linguistic analysis of several books of the Buk Baibel are <br>presented. A main conclusion is that a conservative, rural variety of Tok <br>Pisin is used throughout. By this means, a predominantly oral style was
<br>realised by the translators who, thus, have created a linguistically <br>consistent and at the same time relevant Bible version for the intended <br>recipients. In the course of the translation enterprise, a Church Tok Pisin
<br>register has been built up which contributes to the stylistic character of <br>the Bible. In this regard, the difficulties which can arise when <br>translating ideologically laden source texts are shown by means of numerous
<br>text examples. The translators of the Buk Baibel have offered diverse <br>reading and comprehension aids which, besides the transparent usage of <br>language, serve to demystify the contents for Papua New Guinean audiences.
<br><br>A survey of how the Buk Baibel is embedded in local networks is included. <br>In this respect, insights into Church practice on the spot gained from <br>fieldwork helped to substantiate the findings. A critical assessment of the
<br>official language policy and the speakers' attitude towards 'their' Tok <br>Pisin adds to the analysis of the current position of Tok Pisin within the <br>complex social fabric of Papua New Guinea. Finally, the significance of the
<br>Buk Baibel as a linguistic milestone vis-à-vis the anglicization trends in <br>the in situ media landscape is portrayed as well as the ongoing social <br>transformation which is modelled on a prestigious Western lifestyle. The
<br>appendix contains a dictionary Tok Pisin--German. <br><br>The following hypotheses are verified: <br>1) Tok Pisin as the most important unifying element of a young <br>heterogeneous nation has changed massively the traditional linguistic
<br>ecology on the spot. In this respect, the standardized and qualitatively <br>outstanding Bible translation into Tok Pisin has a retarding effect on the <br>'natural' development of the language. <br>2) Christianity as a religious/ideological superstructure has replaced many
<br>functions of traditional belief systems in Papua New Guinea. Thus, <br>Christian Churches are a decisive element of social change. They have <br>become catalysts of the pragmatic interests of the individuals during their
<br>postcolonial, increasingly secular quest for identity. <br>3) The complete Bible in Tok Pisin is a prerequisite for a vital and <br>autonomous indigenous Church. In this respect, missionaries and, last but <br>not least, Bible translators act as mediators between opposed worlds,
i.e. <br>between indigenous traditions and mechanized modernity, or orality and <br>literacy. <br><br><br><br>-- <br>*********************************************<br>Listing on the lgpolicy-list is merely intended as a service to its members
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