<div>Building Bridges in the City and Beyond <br><br>Date: 11-Apr-2008 - 12-Apr-2008 <br>Location: Baltimore, MD, USA <br>Contact Person: Christine Mallinson <br>Meeting Email: mallinson<img src="http://linguistlist.org/images/address-marker.gif" align="absBottom">
<a href="http://umbc.edu">umbc.edu</a> <br>Web Site: <a href="http://www.umbc.edu/llc">http://www.umbc.edu/llc</a> <br><br><br>Call Deadline: 31-Aug-2007 <br><br><br><br>'Building Bridges in the City and Beyond: Languages, Communities, and Cultures' is an interdisciplinary conference hosted by the Language, Literacy, and Culture Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The goal of this conference is to build bridges among educators, scholars, artists, activists, residents, city planners, and public officials whose respective work engages issues of 'the city' or 'city life.' Featured plenary speaker: Dr. Barbara
<br>Johnstone of Carnegie Mellon. The conference will have two main thrusts: 1) to foster cross-disciplinary dialogue about issues of language, community, and culture in the contemporary <br>city and its surroundings; and 2) to promote dialogue about these issues as they relate specifically to Baltimore City. Interested participants are encouraged to submit proposals for individual papers, panels, workshops, exhibits, discussion circles or breakout sessions.
<br><br>Possible topics include: <br><br>Art, Borders, Cities/Counties, Citizenship, Communication, Communities, Cultures, Ethnography, Filmmaking, Genders, Gentrification, Geographies, Graffiti, Identities, Immigrants, Intercultural, Languages, Literacy, Mapping, Murals, Neighborhoods, Outsiders and Outlaws, Places, Planning, Policy, Political Economy, Pragmatics, Public Discourse, Storytelling, Spaces, Sexualities, Urban/Suburban, Verbal/Visual
<br><br>Papers and presentations will be selected for inclusion on the basis of merit. All submissions must contain the following information for all proposed speakers. <br><br>Name <br>Affiliation <br>E-mail address <br>
Mailing address, phone, and fax number <br>Title of paper or presentation <br>Brief description / summary of paper or presentation (250-300 words) <br><br>Organizers of panels, workshops, discussion circles or breakout sessions must provide the above information for each participant, together with their own contact information, and a brief description/summary (250-300 words) of the overall rationale for the proposed panel or session.
<br><br>Deadline for submission: 31 August 2007 <br><br>The preferred method of communication is e-mail. Be sure to include your e-mail address when contacting conference organizers. Please send abstracts to: LLCBALTIMORE
<img src="http://linguistlist.org/images/address-marker.gif" align="absBottom"><a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a> <br>or for other information, please contact: <br><br>Dr. Christine Mallinson <br>University of Maryland Baltimore County
<br>Language, Literacy and Culture Program <br><a href="http://www.umbc.edu/llc">http://www.umbc.edu/llc</a> <br>410-455-5669 <br><br>Dr. Denis M. Provencher <br>University of Maryland Baltimore County <br>Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics
<br><a href="http://www.umbc.edu/mll">http://www.umbc.edu/mll</a> <br>410-455-2636 <br><br>Information updates will be posted regularly on the UMBC Language, Literacy, and Culture Program website: <a href="http://www.umbc.edu/llc">
www.umbc.edu/llc</a> </div>
<div><br><a href="http://linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-1707.html#2">http://linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-1707.html#2</a><br clear="all"><br>**************************************<br>N.b.: Listing on the lgpolicy-list is merely intended as a service to its members
<br>and implies neither approval, confirmation nor agreement by the owner or sponsor of<br>the list as to the veracity of a message's contents. Members who disagree with a <br>message are encouraged to post a rebuttal. (H. Schiffman, Moderator)
<br>******************************************* </div>