<div><br>1st International Conference on Language and Health Care <br><br>Date: 24-Oct-2007 - 26-Oct-2007 <br>Location: Alicante, Spain <br>Contact: Adelina Gómez <br>Contact Email: adelina.gomez<img src="http://linguistlist.org/images/address-marker.gif" align="absBottom">
<a href="http://ua.es">ua.es</a> <br>Meeting URL: <a href="http://www.iulma.es/congreso">http://www.iulma.es/congreso</a> <br><br>Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Forensic Linguistics <br><br>
<br><br>Meeting Description: <br><br>The Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas de la Comunidad <br>Valenciana (IULMA) is proud to announce the first edition of this International <br>Conference on Language and Health Care, to be held at the University of Alicante
<br>(Spain) on the 24th, 25th and 26th October 2007. The main topic of the <br>Conference will be the study of language in the context of health sciences and <br>health care: interdisciplinary perspectives. The main aim of this Conference,
<br>which deals with language from an interdisciplinary point of view, is to explore <br>and analyze the contribution which can be made to a better understanding of <br>health sciences by linguistics and language analysis.
<br><br>The Conference is organized by the Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas <br>Modernas Aplicadas de la Comunidad Valenciana (IULMA). IULMA is a centre for <br>research, teaching and services run jointly by universities of the Valencian
<br>Community and dedicated to theoretical and practical issues in applied modern <br>languages, also known as professional and academic language. IULMA's activities <br>take place within an interdisciplinary framework as required by a society based
<br>on knowledge and information, with a view to the satisfaction of scientific, <br>business and social needs created by the globalization of knowledge, science, <br>technology and economics. <br><br>Wednesday 24 October
<br>8.30-9.15 Information <br>9.15-9.45 Opening ceremony (Vice-Chancellor of the University of Alicante) <br>Presentation: Language and Health Care: Clinical Linguistics (Dr. Enrique <br>Alcaraz, University of Alicante )
<br>10.00-10.45 Opening lecture: ¿Está enfermo el lenguaje médico? (Dr. Fernando <br>Navarro, Roche Laboratories) <br>10.45-11.15 Coffee break <br>11.15-12.00 Plenary Lecture: Bioética: palabras y argumentos <br>12.00-13.30
Round Table: El lenguaje de la asistencia sanitaria <br>13.30-15.45 Break <br>15.45-17.45 Papers <br>17.45-18.15 Coffee break <br>18.15-20.00 <br>Workshop I <br>Teoría y práctica de la Traducción e Interpretación en la asistencia sanitaria I
<br>(alemán español) (Dra. Irene Prüfer, University of Alicante ) <br>Workshop II <br>Multimodality in presentations at medical conferences(Dra. Teresa Morell, <br>University of Alicante) <br>Workshop III <br>Patología de los enfermos disfónicos(M. Sancho, J. Talavera, C. Valcárcel, M.
<br>Coveta, ENT Alicante General Hospital) <br>Workshop IV <br>El perfil y las destrezas del intérprete en ámbito sanitario partiendo de las <br>realidades profesionales observadas en hospitales de la Provincia de Alicante
<br>(inglés-español) (Dra. Catalina Iliescu, University of Alicante ) <br>Workshop V <br>Falsos amigos del inglés médico (Dr. Fernando Navarro, Doctor and medical <br>translator) <br><br>Thursday 25 October <br>9.15-10.00
Plenary lecture: Evidence-based Health Communication (Dr. Paul <br>Crawford, University of Nottingham ) <br>10.00-10.45 Plenary lecture: Courtesy, 'symbolic profit' and the medical <br>researcher's acknowledgement behavior: alternative/complementary medicine vs.
<br>academic/mainstream medical research'' (Dra. Françoise Salager-Meyer, <br>Universidad de Mérida, Venezuela) <br>10.45-11.15 Coffee break <br>11.15-12.00 Plenary Lecture: Need and Acceptance of Medical Laypersons as
<br>Interpreter in Doctor-Patient-Communication (Niels-Jens Albrecht, Director of <br>the Institute of Medical Sociology, University of Hamburg) <br>12.00-13.30 Round Table: El lenguaje de las ciencias farmacéuticas <br>13.30-15.45
Break <br>15.45-17.45 Papers <br>17.45-18.15 Coffee break <br>18.15-20.00 <br>Workshop VI <br>Teoría y práctica de la Traducción e Interpretación en la asistencia sanitaria <br>II (alemán-español)(Dr. Niels-Jens Albrecht, Director of the Institute of
<br>Medical Sociology, University of Hamburg) <br>Workshop VII <br>Brief, Ordinary and Effective health communication (Dr. Paul Crawford, <br>University of Nottingham) <br>Workshop VIII <br>Methods of acoustic evaluation and analysis of the normal and pathological voice
<br>(Dr. Pedro Gómez Vilda, Polytechnic University of Madrid) <br>Workshop IX <br>''Our results seem to suggest...'': Hedging and medical writing (Dra. Françoise <br>Salager-Meyer, Universidad de Mérida, Venezuela)
<br><br>Friday 26 October <br>9.15-10.00 Plenary lecture: La mujer y las ciencias de la salud (Dra. Mª Teresa <br>Ruiz Cantero, University of Alicante) <br>10.00-10.45 Plenary Lectures: Introducción a la fisiología y patología de la
<br>producción de la voz (Dr. Pedro Gómez Vilda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid <br>10.45-11.15 Coffee break <br>11.15-12.15 Round Table: El lenguaje de la enfermería <br>12.15-13.30 Closing Lecture: El Lenguaje como instrumento terapéutico (Dr. Jesús
<br>Rodríguez Marín) <br>13.30-14.15 Conclusions and closing ceremony <br>15.45-17.45 Papers </div>
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