<div>Sociolinguistic Studies <br><br><br><br><br>Call Deadline: 31-Aug-2007 <br><br>Monolingualism - Second Call for Papers <br><br>Papers are sought for a monograph to appear as a special issue of the <br>journal Sociolinguistic Studies (formerly Estudios de Sociolingüistica),
<br>titled 'Monolingualism' in December 2008. <br><br>Sociolinguistic Studies. <br>Equinox Publishing, London, U.K., 3 issues per year. <br><a href="http://www.equinoxjournals.com/ojs/index.php/SS/index">http://www.equinoxjournals.com/ojs/index.php/SS/index
</a> <br><br>Title: Monolingualism <br><br>Special issue Editor: Dr Elizabeth Ellis <br><br>Background <br><br>It is widely accepted by linguists that bilingualism and multilingualism <br>are more common worldwide than monolingualism. However research has
<br>concentrated on the former two; the implication being that monolingualism <br>is the norm, and that bi/multilingualism constitute aberrant states. In <br>contrast, there is little systematic investigation of monolingualism, and,
<br>as Romaine (1995) points out, it would be strange to find a book with the <br>title 'Monolingualism'. The planned monograph will carry such a title, and <br>the papers it seeks to include will explore the phenomenon of
<br>monolingualism from a number of different perspectives. These perspectives <br>might include language ideology, language choice in education, language <br>policy and planning, language awareness, second and third language teaching
<br>and others from applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. <br><br>Papers are sought which might address, but need not be limited to, the <br>following questions: <br><br>-How can monolingualism be defined? Can it be considered a continuum in the
<br>same way as bilingualism? <br><br>-What is a 'monolingual mindset'? <br><br>-How can we move beyond assertion to conduct research on the effects of a <br>monolingual mindset on individuals, families, communities and public policy?
<br><br>-What is the impact of monolingualism on social and educational policy in <br>selected sites? What can be done to increase public awareness of the <br>effects of monolingual perspectives? <br><br>-What interdisciplinary perspectives are necessary to investigate
<br>monolingualism, if, like bilingualism, we see it as social and cognitive as <br>well as linguistic? <br><br>-How can we investigate and critique monolingualism as a phenomenon while <br>avoiding vilifying individual monolinguals?
<br><br>-How can linguists work as activists to resist monolingual discourses? <br><br>Papers which report empirical research studies focussing on monolingualism <br>are especially welcome. <br><br>Submission Process and Timeline
<br><br>A proposal, consisting of title and draft abstract (150 - 200 words): due <br>31st August 2007 <br><br>Submission of full paper (maximum 6000 words) for external blind review: <br>due 31st December 2007 <br><br>All papers will be blind-reviewed by 2 expert reviewers, and acceptance
<br>will be subject to reviews, with the final decision being made by the team <br>of Editors: Elizabeth Ellis, Xoán Paulo Rodriguez-Yáñez and Fernando Ramallo. <br><br>Publication: December 2008 <br><br>Papers should be a maximum of 6000 words, excluding references and abstract.
<br><br>Detailed guidelines for authors can be consulted at: <br><a href="http://www.equinoxjournals.com/ojs/equinoxdownloads/authors/ssguide.pdf">http://www.equinoxjournals.com/ojs/equinoxdownloads/authors/ssguide.pdf</a>
<br><br>Proposals and enquiries should be addressed initially via email to Dr <br>Elizabeth Ellis, University of New England, NSW, Australia, at the following address: <br>liz.ellis<img src="http://linguistlist.org/images/address-marker.gif" align="absBottom">
<a href="http://une.edu.au">une.edu.au</a> <br><br>NB This is a shortened form of the Call for Papers. For the full Call, <br>please contact liz.ellis<img src="http://linguistlist.org/images/address-marker.gif" align="absBottom">
<a href="http://une.edu.au">une.edu.au</a><br> </div>
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<br>and implies neither approval, confirmation nor agreement by the owner or sponsor of<br>the list as to the veracity of a message's contents. Members who disagree with a <br>message are encouraged to post a rebuttal. (H. Schiffman, Moderator)
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