<div><br clear="all">Introducing Sociolinguistics<br><br><br>Announced at <a href="http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-3010.html">http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-3010.html</a> <br>AUTHOR: Meyerhoff, Miriam. <br>TITLE: Introducing Sociolinguistics.
<br>PUBLISHER: Routledge: Taylor & Francis <br>YEAR: 2006 <br><br>Dinha T. Gorgis, Jadara University for Graduate Studies, Irbid, Jordan. <br><br>SUMMARY <br> </div>
<div>This book comprises twelve chapters. The first of which, like most introductory <br>textbooks, introduces the field, its concerns and practitioners, and the last of <br>which rounds off the sociolinguistic enterprise, as presented by the author.
<br>These are the shortest chapters and, unlike the other ten chapters, do not <br>include a summary, exercises, and further reading. Notes on the exercises (pp. <br>271-285) are added to ''help readers ask their own sociolinguistically informed
<br>research questions'' (p. 271). These notes are followed by a glossary which <br>contains 168 terms already highlighted in the text. The book closes with a rich <br>bibliography and an index. <br><br>Central to chapter 2 are the traditional terms 'variable' and 'variant', which
<br>are analogously compared to the phoneme and its members (p. 9). Meyerhoff <br>discusses here some major common motivations for sociolinguitic variability and <br>takes ''the use of naturally occurring speech as the basis for the description of
<br>variation'' (p. 25). The topics covered in this chapter are examined in detail, <br>both qualitatively and quantitatively, in the following chapters. <br><br>Chapter 3 accounts for variation in speech and style-shifting. While the author
<br>allows for the distinction between 'accent' and 'dialect', she chooses to use <br>the neutral term 'variety' for languages and dialects to avoid ''negative <br>connotations'' (p. 28). The chapter introduces stylistic variation within the
<br>speech of a single speaker by appealing to previous studies. It also devotes <br>considerable space to explaining the methods used to analyze style-shifting by <br>focusing on speakers' attention to their speech and thus treating ''variation as
<br>constitutive of non-linguistic factors'' (p. 52). <br><br>In chapter 4, Meyerhoff introduces attitudes to different varieties of a <br>language, that is, ''the way we perceive the individuals that use those
<br>varieties'' (p. 54). The key topic in this chapter is 'accommodation theory' <br>which involves both 'convergence' and 'divergence', i.e. accommodation 'towards' <br>vs. 'away from' the speech of one's interlocutors. So this theory ''is a theory
<br>about interaction, and as such it is concerned with the negotiation of <br>perceptions and identities between interlocutors in conversations'' (p. 75). <br><br>Chapter 5 considers 'politeness' as a variable in speech. The author explores
<br>the phenomenon across varieties and cultures within Brown & Levinson's theory. <br>Choices of politeness strategies are seen to be determined by power, distance, <br>and cost of the imposition, being a ''scalar measure of how serious a
<br>face-threatening act is in a particular society'' (p. 87). It follows that this <br>should have practical implications for teaching languages cross-culturally <br>because ''one language tends to conventionally use negative politeness strategies
<br>while the other uses positive or negative politeness strategies'' (p. 97). <br><br>Chapter 6 introduces the reader to multilingualism and language choice. Two key <br>terms are highlighted here, viz. 'vitality' and 'diglossia'. For a
<br>language/variety to remain vital, i.e. be in use for a range of social <br>functions, a number of factors must be at play. These are the ''institutional, <br>social and demographic factors'' (p. 103). Additional factors,
e.g. educational, <br>religious, national, etc. play a significant role in choosing a high or a low <br>variety as is the case in the Arab world. The use of more than one <br>language/variety involves code-switching which emerges, among other things, from
<br>the speakers' conceptualization of ''the relationship between location, addressee <br>and ingroup identity in different ways'' (p. 117). Meyerhoff, however, sees that <br>''it is difficult to talk about a single motivation or function for a switch
<br>between codes'' (p. 126). <br><br>Having looked so far at the factors that constrain variation, the author <br>examines in chapter 7 ''the factors that are strongly associated with what is <br>called variationist sociolinguistics'' (p. 127), which studies language change
<br>over time. Thus she introduces us to 'real time' studies of change vs. 'apparent <br>time' studies. The former are called 'trend studies' which use ''data from <br>corpora that include comparable speakers who have been recorded at different
<br>points in time. They provide one kind of diachronic perspective on how language <br>varies and changes'' (p. 131). If this method is constrained by examining data <br>''from exactly the same speakers over a period of years'' (p. 132), the pertinent
<br>studies which require 'painstaking work' are called 'panel studies'. Apparent <br>studies, on the other hand, involve ''comparing the speech of speakers of <br>different ages within a community at a single point in time'' (p. 132). The
<br>chapter sketches four types of change connected with variation across time, viz. <br>age-grading, lifespan, generational, and community change. It also shows the <br>relationships that hold between one type of change and another (cf. pp.
<br>150-151). The chapter concludes with the challenges associated with both real <br>and apparent time studies. <br><br>Social class is the topic of chapter 8. Meyerhoff introduces several definitions <br>for this concept from different perspectives, links it with 'mobility', and
<br>contrasts it with the more fixed notion of 'caste'. She is for the view that <br>language users can be upwardly mobile due to several factors, but ''may also move <br>down the class and status ladder because of change to their life chances'' (p.
<br>157). So what distinguishes groups of speakers is the relative frequency with <br>which they use individual variants. Whether newcomers to sociolinguistics are <br>good at performing statistical tests or not, they can easily see for themselves
<br>if the ''frequency of a variant in different contexts and among different <br>speakers'' (p. 168) is really a function of social class and/or some other more <br>important factors such as personal identity.
<br><br>Moving from the rather unfavorable notion of social class nowadays to social <br>networks and communities of practice in chapter 9, the author overviews a number <br>of case studies carried out by some prominent researchers who differentiate
<br>between 'dense' and 'loose' networks. The distinction between these two terms <br>involves scalar familiarity: the more able a speaker is to identify group <br>members, the more dense the network (cf. p. 187). On the other hand, a community
<br>of practice, which is a specific kind of social network, is identifiable against <br>workplace, e.g. tailors (experienced vs. novices), compared with other <br>communities of practice. Both of these key notions in the chapter are said to
<br>nest with social class ''in terms of how locally they are defined and how much <br>emphasis they place on speakers' attitudes and actions'' (p. 199-200). <br><br>Gender, as kept distinct from both grammatical gender and sex, has been the
<br>subject matter of heated arguments among sociolinguists for decades now. Chapter <br>10 sees gender as a social and cultural category; ''something acquired or <br>constructed through your relationship with others and through an individual's
<br>adherence to certain cultural norms and proscriptions'' (p. 202). The chapter <br>draws a distinction between gender exclusive and gender preferential features in <br>language. The former are linguistic features that directly index gender because
<br>they are pertinent to a particular sex, e.g. pronouns, whereas the latter <br>indirectly index gender because they are distributed across speakers or groups <br>with a frequency difference such that vernacular variants are constitutive of
<br>masculinity as a social identity rather than being merely a reflection of the <br>male sex. The author reviews three principles that account for gender and <br>variation (cf. Labov 1990, 2001). These principles, which are criticized for the
<br>gender paradox they display (cf. pp. 220-222), identify the circumstances in <br>which women are likely to lead men in the use of standard vs. vernacular <br>variants above and below the level of awareness. <br><br>Chapter 11 examines how contact between varieties affects variation and change.
<br>At the outset, Meyerhoff acknowledges the fact that ''[a]ll variation and change <br>can be viewed as the outcome of some form of contact between different <br>individuals or members of different groups'' (p. 238). Contact can be the result
<br>of an ''increased mobility of speakers'' (p. 239), globalization, e.g. English as <br>a lingua franca, borrowing between varieties of the same language (socially <br>and/or regionally) as well as between world languages, and the creation of
<br>pidgins and creoles. In a word, transmission is, irrespective of 'space', a <br>never-ending process. <br><br>EVALUATION <br><br>Although the audience of this textbook, which is exceptionally error-free and <br>
wonderfully typeset, are primarily meant to be undergraduates, the exercises are <br>so rich with stimulating ideas that graduates can develop them into theses. <br>Unlike other introductory textbooks, an exercise is immediately included next to
<br>the relevant point(s) of discussion. Above all, further aid to working out the <br>exercises is given in ''Notes on the exercises'' at the close of the book. The <br>other merit of the book is its coverage of most recent advances in the field and
<br>their connections with theory. However, although there is a rich and up-dated <br>bibliography, it is a pity not to find anywhere in the book references to other <br>excellent introductions such as Hudson's (1996) and Wardhaugh's (2002). This is
<br>unfortunate, for example, because Hudson's (1980) first edition had already <br>established 'variety' as a cover term supported by more solid reasons (see <br>chapter 2) than Meyerhoff's avoidance of ''negative connotations'' associated with
<br>dialects and languages. At the same time, Meyerhoff does acknowledge Holmes's <br>(2001) equally excellent introduction, and best-seller. <br><br>I do not wish to push my opinions too far and make preferences among the
<br>available textbooks, yet Meyerhoff could have included a section on update <br>methodology (cf., e.g. chapter 5 in Hudson) and another on advances in data <br>collection and problems associated with it (cf., e.g. chapter 6 in Wardhaugh). I
<br>imagine that the author would agree with me that these two issues are quite <br>helpful for the researcher-to-be in sociolinguistics. Newcomers to <br>sociolinguistics badly need not only acquaintance with research problems, for
<br>which the book receives high credit, but how to work on them, i.e. procedures, <br>the difficulties they might encounter in particularly conservative societies, <br>e.g. the Arab world, and how to circumvent at least some of them. They also need
<br>to know the difference and/or similarity between the sociology of language and <br>sociolinguistics and the points at which they converge and/or diverge. <br>Nonetheless, Meyerhoff is obviously quite aware of the interdisciplinary nature
<br>of the field. These comments should in no way reduce the strengths of the book; <br>for I must admit that I have enjoyed reading it. <br><br>REFERENCES <br>Holmes, Janet. 2001. _An Introduction to Sociolinguistics_. London: Longman.
<br><br>Hudson, R.A. 1996. _Sociolinguistics_. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University <br>Press. <br><br>Labov, William. 1990. The intersection of sex and social class in the course of <br>linguistics change. _Language Variation and Change_ 2:205-154.
<br><br>Labov, William. 2001. _Principles of Linguistic Change: Social Factors_. Oxford: <br>Blackwell. <br><br>Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2002. _An Introduction to Sociolinguistics_. 4th ed. Oxford: <br>Blackwell. <br><br>ABOUT THE REVIEWER
<br>Dinha T. Gorgis is currently professor of linguistics at Jadara University for <br>Graduate Studies, Jordan. He has been mainly involved in teaching graduate <br>courses, e.g. phonology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics,
<br>discourse analysis, contemporary English grammar, and translation. He is <br>co-editor of _The International Journal Linguistik_ online, co-editor of WATA <br>magazine, and is member of IPrA. His most recent publications include ''Binomials
<br>in Iraqi and Jordanian Arabic'' (2005) in _The International Journal of Language <br>and Linguistics_, Vol. 4, No. 2, 135-151, and ''Romanised Jordanian Arabic <br>E-Messages'' (2007), in _The International Journal of Language, Society, and
<br>Culture_, Issue 21, 1-12. He reviewed Yavas (2006), LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3630, <br>and Evens & Green (2006), LINGUIST List, Vol-18-1165, and has recently written <br>three book notices for eLanguage, which will appear soon.
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