<img src="http://www.radioiowa.com/site/pix_lcinews/network_logo.gif">
Your friend <b>H. Schiffman</b> sent you a link to an article on the Radio Iowa web site.
They said: <b>"Education Dept. rep says "millennium generation" driving education policy"</b><br><br>
The article they sent is: "<a href="http://www.radioiowa.com/gestalt/go.cfm?objectid=430EC4CA-A1E2-D3D1-C844116D000C5C88">Education Department representative says "millennium generation" driving ed policy</a>".<br><br>
<font color="#ccccc"><i>To read more, click the link above, or copy the web address below and paste it in your web browser. If you have any questions or comments for the staff at Radio Iowa, we're always glad to hear from you! Just drop a note to <a href="mailto:info@radioiowa.com">info@radioiowa.com</a>.</i><br><br><br><br>