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<a href="" alt="Who Do We Think We Are?">
<img style="padding:15px 10px 0 10px;border:none;max-width:150px;max-height:150px;" src="http://chronicle.com/img/shareicons/default-share.png">
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<h5 style="margin:0;font-size:1.2em;"><a style="color:#2288BB; font-weight:100;text-decoration: none;" href="http://shar.es/xhGDz"> Who Do We Think We Are?</a></h5>
<p style="margin:0 0 5px 0; font-size:0.8em;color:#aaa;">Source: <a style="font-size:1.1em;color: #83C65A;">chronicle.com</a> </p>
<p style="font-size:0.9em; color:#999999;">While surfing the Web one morning, I came across a headline that included the words “laying in bed.” Rather than going off like a troll in the comments, I shared the following snarky wisdom with m...</p>
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