<p>The Catalan Society of Sociolinguistics (SOCS), a subsidiary of the <em>Institut d’Estudis Catalans</em>, has issued a statement regarding the "political offensive against the use of Catalan by the authorities of the Kingdom of Spain" urging the international scientific community to request the UNESCO and the Council of Europe " investigate and, where appropriate, formally condemn the policies that clearly seek to harm the Catalan-speaking community." The SOCS sends this statement to international scientific societies and journals so that they help disseminate it.</p>
<br />http://blogs.iec.cat/socs/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2013/07/Declaration-Catalan-Society-of-Sociolinguistics1.pdf<br /><br />Marina Solís Obiols<br />Consultora de Política i Planificació Lingüístiques<br />Universitat Oberta de Catalunya<br />msoliso@uoc.edu<br />