<div dir="ltr"><h2 itemprop="headline">Labour targets Maori speaking teachers</h2>
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<p class="">Mani Dunlop, Te Manu Korihi</p>
<p class="">Updated at 8:13 pm on 22 July 2014</p>
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<p><strong>The Labour Party says it will focus on increasing the number of Te Reo speaking teachers, as part of its language policy.</strong></p>
<p>Te Reo is a big political issue for some candidates - with some saying the language is one of their main campaign issues.</p>
<p>The party's Maori Affairs spokesperson, Nanaia Mahuta said its Te Reo
Maori strategy was not only for Maori but for all New Zealanders.</p>
<p>She said one of the main goals was to increase the number of
proficient Maori speaking teachers, but she accepted that would be a big
challenge, as the country didn't have enough kaiako to respond to the
growing levels of demand.</p>
<p>Labour Party leader David Cunliffe said ultimately, the idea was for
everyone to have the ability to learn the language if they wanted to -
and he was confident that that was achievable.</p>
<p>Mr Cunliffe was quick to make it clear that making Te Reo compulsory
in schools is not their policy and that no-one will be forced to learn
the language.</p>
<p>He describes the language as a beautiful taonga and when asked if he
himself would learn Te Reo, he said he hoped that there would be time
later in his life to improve his reo.</p>
<p>Labour also says it will ensure schools are meeting the needs of
Maori students, by making the Education Review Office's requirements
concerning Maori more rigourous.</p>
<p>Other parts of the policy include continued support for Maori
Television and iwi radio and reviewing the contribution those mediums
have to raising proficiency levels of Te Reo.</p>
<p>A labour supporter and the veteran broadcaster Haare Williams said Te
Reo is part of the wairua of the country, and needed to be nurtured.</p>
<p>He said Aotearoa had come a long way and he no longer felt the hostility toward the language that he did ten years ago.</p>
<p>Mr Williams believes the Labour Party's policy will put the future of Te Reo Rangatira on the right track.</p>
<p>Later this week, Parliament will begin hearing the Maori
Party-designed government bill to pass governance of Te Reo to iwi - in
which the Labour Party has said that the policy falls short of what it
could achieve.</p>
<a href="http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/te-manu-korihi/250374/labour-targets-maori-speaking-teachers">http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/te-manu-korihi/250374/labour-targets-maori-speaking-teachers</a><br></div><br clear="all">
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