<div dir="ltr">International Symposium on Bilingualism<br><br> Full Title: International Symposium on Bilingualism <br> Short Title: ISB <br>
<br> Date: 20-May-2015 - 24-May-2015 <br> Location: New Brunswick, NJ, USA <br> Contact Person: Jose Camacho<br> Meeting Email: <a>< click here to access email > </a><br> Web Site: <a href="http://isb10.rutgers.edu">http://isb10.rutgers.edu</a> <br>
<br> Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Sociolinguistics<br><br> Call Deadline: 15-Sep-2014 <br><br> Meeting Description:<br><br>
The 'International Symposium on Bilingualism' is the main international
venue for researchers interested in cognitive, linguistic, educational
and sociolinguistic aspects of multilingualism. It began in Newcastle
upon Tyne in 1997, it has been held in Europe, Asia and the United
States. The 10th meeting will take place at Rutgers University, New
Jersey. <br> <br>Invited Speakers: <br> <br>Helen Kelly Holmes (Univeristy of Limerick) <br>Juana M. Liceras (University of Ottawa) <br>Luis Enrique López (Programa de Apoyo a la Calidad Educativa, Guatemala) <br>Jeff MacSwan (University of Maryland) <br>
Lee Osterhout (University of Washington)<br><br> 2nd Call for Papers: <br> <br>The
International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB10, <a href="http://isb10.rutgers.edu">isb10.rutgers.edu</a>)
invites proposals for presentations on any area of multilingualism
(including, but not limited to, L1/L2 acquisition, linguistics,
sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, education,
multilingual societies, etc.). <br> <br>Abstracts for the Main Session: <br> <br>ISB10
organizers invite proposals regarding original, previously unpublished
research results on bilingualism/ multilingualism. Submitters should
submit an abstract for a 20 minute presentation or for a poster
presented at the main session, or a proposal for a thematic session.
Submissions should be uploaded to EasyChair (<a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb10">www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb10</a>). <br> <br>Proposals for Individual Papers or Posters: <br> <br>-
An anonymous abstract (500 words plus 1 page max. for examples and
references). The abstract should include enough details to allow
reviewers to judge the merit of the proposal. <br> <br>- Abstracts for
paper/poster presentations will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Authors
will be asked to specify a format preference (paper presentation or
poster session) at the time the work is submitted. <br> <br>Only one
presentation can be submitted as a first author. One of the authors must
register for the conference in order to assure the presentation’s place
on the program. <br> <br>In the submission site, indicate which
presentation format you would like your abstract to be considered for.
All abstracts are reviewed in the same manner; selecting 'paper or
poster' does not decrease one's chances of being selected to deliver a
spoken presentation. <br> <br>Proposals for Thematic Sessions: <br> <br>Thematic
sessions consist of 120 minute blocks that will cover a narrowly
defined topic of interest. Proposals should be submitted through
EasyChair (<a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb10">www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb10</a>), check the option “THEMATIC session (group of 3-4 abstracts and proposal submitted by 1 organizer)” <br>
<br>Proposals for thematic sessions should include: <br> <br>-A
general abstract describing the colloquium as a whole (max. 500 words).
This should go in the ''Abstract'' field of EasyChair <br> <br>-A
single pdf file with anonymous abstracts for individual presentations
(each abstract should be 500 words max. plus 1 page max. for examples
and references) <br> <br>-Individual author information should be submitted in the ''author'' fields of EasyChair. <br> <br>Sufficient
details should be provided to allow peer reviewers to judge the merit
of the proposal. The person submitting a proposal for a colloquium is in
charge of securing the permission and co-operation of all participants
before the proposal is submitted. <br> <br>Submission Deadlines: <br> <br>Individual papers, posters and thematic session proposals: 15 September, 2014 <br>Notification of acceptance: 1 December, 2014 <br> <br>Contact email: isb10.contact<img src="http://linguistlist.org/images/address-marker.gif" align="absbottom"><a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a><br>
<a href="http://linguistlist.org/issues/25/25-3256.html">http://linguistlist.org/issues/25/25-3256.html</a><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>**************************************<br>N.b.: Listing on the lgpolicy-list is merely intended as a service to its members<br>
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