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<h1 id="gmail-page-title" class="gmail-title">Hubert Devonish | Of Patwa, progress and prosperity (Part 1)</h1> </div>
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</div></div></div><span class="gmail-jg-published">Published:<span class="gmail-jg-published-created">Sunday | January 22, 2017 | 12:00 AM</span></span><ul class="gmail-links gmail-inline"><li class="gmail-comment_forbidden gmail-first gmail-last"><br></li></ul><div class="gmail-field gmail-field-name-body gmail-field-type-text-with-summary gmail-field-label-hidden"><div class="gmail-field-items"><div class="gmail-field-item even"><p>
Between 1990 and the present, the performance of the education system,
in spite of its numerous problems, has clearly improved. This is true of
the percentage of the age cohort enrolled at all levels of the system;
the percentage of the cohort taking examinations at the various levels;
and the percentage passes, particularly in that magical subject,
Disappointingly, none of these improvements have reflected themselves
in the productivity of the labour force. According to the governor of
the Bank of Jamaica, between 1990 and 2010, "... labour productivity,
which measures output per worker, contracted at an average rate of 0.5
per cent per year ... ". Furthermore, between 2009 and 2013, the fall in
productivity averages 0.8 per cent. This is terrible when compared with
the average global annual increase in the productivity of labour of 1.8
per cent over the last 50 years or so.</p>
Why would a marked improvement of the performance of an education
system seem to have the opposite of the expected effect on the
productivity of workers in Jamaica? Maybe the answer lies in the absence
from the education system of the formal use of the Jamaican language,
the native language of the vast majority of those in the school system.</p>
The first thing people say in the discussion about what language(s)
should be used and taught in schools in Jamaica is that our economy
depends on the outside world and that that world operates in English.
English, they argue, is the pathway to progress and prosperity.</p>
In reality, the wealth needed for progress and prosperity is being
produced in declining quantities by the workers of Jamaica at precisely
the time when they are much better educated. Their education is, as we
know, provided by a system that officially uses English as the only
medium of instruction from grade three onwards. The system also employs
English as the only medium for learning and practising literacy.
Perhaps, education almost exclusively in English is a barrier, rather
than a bridge, to progress and prosperity, hence the falling
productivity rates.</p>
What's the Competition Doing?</h2>
Jamaica and its workforce are wide open to regional and international
competition. This is a result of the country having made international
trade commitments via the WTO, the European Union, and CARICOM to open
up its markets. Jamaican workers directly compete with every other
worker in the world. It means that the best practices globally in
workforce education, training, and preparation are needed to keep
Jamaica in the race. Jamaica cannot survive if the value of what every
Jamaican worker produces keeps falling every year. In such a situation,
Jamaican workers and the Jamaican economy would be wiped out by global
competition, with Jamaicans reduced to being impoverished consumers of
imported goods and services.</p>
Education is passed on through language, with reading and writing being
learnt and exercised through it. Language is also the medium by which
all other non-language subjects, including science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics are learnt. An appropriate language
education policy is the base on which all other workforce education can
be built, or from which it can fall.</p>
Is education exclusively in English helping in the fight to make
Jamaican workers competitive? Falling productivity in Jamaica suggests
that the answer might be no. One way to check this out is to look at
international best practice. Put another way, what are our competitors
ahead of us in the race for progress and prosperity doing that we are
What is the situation with the top 20 countries and territories in the
per-capita GDP (PPP) rankings in the area of language policy and
language education? Seven - the USA in fifth place in the rankings,
Singapore in seventh, Australia in ninth, Ireland in 11th, Canada in
12th, the UK in 16th, and Hong Kong in 18th use English as at least one
of their languages of education. Four of their seven - Singapore with
Chinese (Mandarin), Canada with French, Ireland with Irish, and Hong
Kong with Cantonese - have other languages of education in official use
alongside English.</p>
Second languages not disastrous</h2>
Employing English as a major language of education does not prevent
these economically prosperous countries from having another language of
education coexisting with English within the education system. This
suggests that the bilingual education option, involving both English and
Jamaican as languages of education, may not have the disastrous
economic effects its critics suggest.</p>
The top four countries in per-capita GDP are Luxembourg with
French/German/ Luxembourgeois as languages of education; Switzerland
with French/German/Italian/Romans in that role; Qatar with Arabic, and
Norway with Norwegian as languages of education. The fact that English
is the language of education of the USA has not, given its fifth-place
ranking, granted it any particular advantage in the per capita GDP
Furthermore, for countries to be in the select group of top 20 in per
capita GDP, there is no need for English to be a medium of instruction,
or for any single language to be used as a medium either.</p>
What is really important, however, is that there is no country in the
top 20 that pursues a language education policy similar to Jamaica's. No
country uses as its only language of instruction one that is not the
native language of the majority of pupils in the school system and at
the same time refuses to teach literacy skills in a language identified
as native to that population.</p>
Of special interest is Singapore, at No. 6, with English as its medium
of instruction. 'Singa-rich', as some of its admirers have dubbed it, is
often touted as the economic model for Jamaica, and as a model for
language education, too. Education in Singapore is multilingual. The
country has four official languages - English, Chinese, Malay, and
Tamil. Of these, English is promoted as the common language, binding all
language groups, and as the main language of education, administration
and business.</p>
Learning from our Competitors</h2>
English is the medium of instruction, used to teach all non-language
subjects right throughout the school system. In addition, depending on
ethnic background, children study one of the other official languages -
Chinese, Tamil, or Malay - and are taught literacy in those languages.
The most academically gifted 20 per cent of secondary-school students
are targeted to develop the highest levels of competence in Chinese in
addition to the proficiency in English required of the entire school
population. It is only the academically less able that are expected to
have high-level proficiency in English and no other language.</p>
Language-education policy and practice in the countries that Jamaica
holds as models of progress invariably include a mass vernacular as one
of the languages of education. The labour productivity rates of those
countries are increasing while those of Jamaica are decreasing.
Meanwhile, Jamaica has lauded itself over the past decade and a half on
achieving one success after the other in its education system.</p>
There has been marked improvement in the literacy skills of children in
the education system as measured by the Grade Four Literacy Test
results, significant increases in the percentage of higher-level
performances at CSEC, notably in English, and a much larger age-group
cohort completing secondary school. If all your indicators are
signalling improvement in education, but productivity, which should be
linked to education, is heading in the opposite direction, why are we
fiddling while the economy burns?</p>
Addressing the language education issue, by formally including the
Jamaican Language, alongside English, in a fully bilingual education
system is the only option. This inclusion of a mass vernacular in
bilingual and multilingual education systems is what our competitors
have done, and they are beating us hands down in the area of worker
productivity and economic competitiveness.</p>
- Professor Hubert Devonish is coordinator of the Jamaican Language Unit. Email feedback to <a href="mailto:columns@gleanerjm.com">columns@gleanerjm.com</a> and <a href="mailto:hubert.devonish@uwimona.edu.jm">hubert.devonish@uwimona.edu.jm</a>.</p>
</div></div></div><a href="http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20170122/hubert-devonish-patwa-progress-and-prosperity-part-1">http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20170122/hubert-devonish-patwa-progress-and-prosperity-part-1</a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature">**************************************<br>N.b.: Listing on the lgpolicy-list is merely intended as a service to its members<br>and implies neither approval, confirmation nor agreement by the owner or sponsor of the list as to the veracity of a message's contents. Members who disagree with a message are encouraged to post a rebuttal, and to write directly to the original sender of any offensive message. A copy of this may be forwarded to this list as well. (H. Schiffman, Moderator)<br><br>For more information about the lgpolicy-list, go to <a href="https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/" target="_blank">https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/</a><br>listinfo/lgpolicy-list<br>*******************************************</div>