<div dir="ltr"><section class="ea-post-title"><h1>Turkish language still far away from official EU status</h1></section><section class="gmail-row"> <article class="ea-article gmail-col-xs-12 gmail-col-sm-12 gmail-col-md-8 gmail-col-lg-8"><div class="ea-article-header"><div class="ea-article-meta gmail-clearfix"><p class="ea-byline">By <a href="http://www.euractiv.com/authors/sam-morgan/">Sam Morgan</a> | <a href="http://www.euractiv.com/content_providers/euractiv-com/">EURACTIV.com</a></p><p><span class="ea-dateformat"> 1:49</span> (updated: <span class="ea-dateformat"> 5:44</span>)</p></div><div class="ea-article-header-content"><div class="ea-article-featured-image"> <span class="ea-image-aspect-16x9"><img src="http://assets.euractiv.com/lazy-load/img/crop/16x9/800/http://www.euractiv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/04/h_53441414-800x450.jpg" class="gmail-attachment-16x9 gmail-size-16x9 gmail-wp-post-image gmail-lazy-load gmail-hidden-no-js gmail-lazy-load-attached" alt="" style="opacity: 1;"></span></div><div class="ea-image-meta gmail-clearfix"><p>Turkish-Cypriot
voters cast their ballots in the constitutional referendum in the
northern part of the divided city of Nicosia, Cyprus, 6 April 2017.
[EPA/ Katia Christodoulou]</p></div></div></div><div class="ea-article-body"><div class="ea-article-meta gmail-clearfix"><p class="ea-language-switcher">Languages: <a href="http://www.euractiv.fr/section/langues-culture/news/official-eu-language-status-evades-turkish/">Français</a> | <a href="http://www.euractiv.de/section/soziales-europa/news/tuerkisch-als-eu-amtssprache-ein-zyprisches-luftschloss/">Deutsch</a></p></div></div></article></section> <p>In
early 2016, Cyprus asked the EU to recognise Turkish as an official
language, in an attempt to boost its reunification process. Over one
year later, this request has made little headway.</p><p>In February
2016, Greek-Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades wrote to the Dutch
Presidency of the EU asking for Turkish to be recognised as the bloc’s
25th official language.</p><p>Reunification talks between the two halves
of the Mediterranean island are still ongoing and Anastasiades hoped
securing official status for Turkish would advance the negotiations.</p><p>It
is estimated over 300,000 people live in Northern Cyprus and the
population is almost entirely Turkish-speaking. The Greek-Cypriot
president’s request at the time suggested that a reunification deal was
in the offing.</p><div class="gmail-row ea-own-embed"><div class="gmail-own-embed-img gmail-hidden-xs gmail-col-sm-5 gmail-col-md-4 gmail-col-lg-3"><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement/news/make-turkish-an-official-eu-language-cyprus-tells-eu/"><img src="http://assets.euractiv.com/lazy-load/img/crop/4x3/237.5/http://www.euractiv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/02/8174714175_b8d5a32d0c_o.jpg" class="gmail-attachment-4x3 gmail-size-4x3 gmail-wp-post-image gmail-lazy-load gmail-hidden-no-js ea-media-unrolled ea-media-formatted gmail-img-responsive gmail-lazy-load-attached" alt="" style="opacity: 1;"></a></div><div class="gmail-own-embed-excerpt gmail-col-xs-12 gmail-col-sm-7 gmail-col-md-8 gmail-col-lg-9"><h4><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/news/make-turkish-an-official-eu-language-cyprus-tells-eu/">Cyprus: Make Turkish an official EU language</a></h4><p>Greek-Cypriot
President Nicos Anastasiades has asked the Dutch EU Presidency to add
Turkish to the bloc’s 24 official languages, in order to boost attempts
to reach a reunification agreement on the Mediterranean island.</p></div></div><p>Peace
talks are scheduled to resume today (11 April) after a two-month
hiatus. Controversial legislation that commemorated a 1950 referendum on
unification with Greece has been amended, after the Turkish-Cypriot
side took exception to the law.</p><p>Changes to the EU’s language
regime can only be made through a unanimous decision by all 28 member
states. When asked by EURACTIV.com if the European Commission had
started preparing anything, the EU executive only reiterated that
language policy is an exclusive Council competence.</p><p>The only faint
glimmer of progress since Anastasiades original request came last April
when MEPs adopted a European Parliament report on Turkey, which also
supported making Turkish an official language. Ironically, Ankara
rejected the report because of references to the Armenian genocide.</p><div class="gmail-row ea-own-embed"><div class="gmail-own-embed-img gmail-hidden-xs gmail-col-sm-5 gmail-col-md-4 gmail-col-lg-3"><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/languages-culture/news/meps-call-for-turkish-becoming-eu-language/"><img src="http://assets.euractiv.com/lazy-load/img/crop/4x3/237.5/http://www.euractiv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/Angel-Dzhambazki-1.jpg" class="gmail-attachment-4x3 gmail-size-4x3 gmail-wp-post-image gmail-lazy-load gmail-hidden-no-js ea-media-unrolled ea-media-formatted gmail-img-responsive gmail-lazy-load-attached" alt="" style="opacity: 1;"></a></div><div class="gmail-own-embed-excerpt gmail-col-xs-12 gmail-col-sm-7 gmail-col-md-8 gmail-col-lg-9"><h4><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/languages-culture/news/meps-call-for-turkish-becoming-eu-language/">MEPs call for Turkish becoming EU language</a></h4><p>One
of the texts of the European Parliament Report on Turkey adopted
yesterday (14 April) calls for making Turkish an official language of
the EU, a move condemned by a minority of MEPs who voted against the
report.</p></div></div><p>When it became clear last year
that Cyprus was interested in adding Turkish, a number of far-right
Greek and French lawmakers asked the Commission how the proposal would
be in keeping with European values.</p><p>Golden Dawn MP Georgios
Epitideios insisted that including Turkish would be the same as
“rewarding the occupying army in Cyprus and would be an insult to
Cypriots”.</p><p>He also added that it would pave the way for the
recognition of “dozens” of other languages spoken by EU citizens
originally from third countries.</p><p>President of the Commission
Jean-Claude Juncker, answering on behalf of the EU executive in April
2016, said “the time has come to launch preparations in order to enable
the Union to start using Turkish as an official language upon
reunification of the island (Cyprus)”.</p><p>But he too explained that language rules are governed by the Council, “acting unanimously”.</p><p>Brussels-Ankara ties are shaky at best at the moment so any chance of the EU-28 agreeing on this issue look non-existent.</p><p>Disputes
over political campaigning on foreign soil for Sunday’s constitutional
referendum led to violence last month and Turkish President Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan’s repeated threats to end the bloc’s refugee deal have upped
tensions.</p><div class="gmail-row ea-own-embed"><div class="gmail-own-embed-img gmail-hidden-xs gmail-col-sm-5 gmail-col-md-4 gmail-col-lg-3"><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/languages-culture/news/irish-to-be-given-full-official-eu-language-status/"><img src="http://assets.euractiv.com/lazy-load/img/crop/4x3/237.5/http://www.euractiv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/12/575479-10200585700709078-1164365266-n.jpeg" class="gmail-attachment-4x3 gmail-size-4x3 gmail-wp-post-image gmail-lazy-load gmail-hidden-no-js ea-media-unrolled ea-media-formatted gmail-img-responsive gmail-lazy-load-attached" alt="" style="opacity: 1;"></a></div><div class="gmail-own-embed-excerpt gmail-col-xs-12 gmail-col-sm-7 gmail-col-md-8 gmail-col-lg-9"><h4><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/languages-culture/news/irish-to-be-given-full-official-eu-language-status/">Irish to be given full official EU language status</a></h4><p>Although
it has been an official language of the EU since 2007, Irish will now
be gradually upgraded to a full working language of the European
institutions.</p></div></div><p>Last year’s request was
not the first time Cyprus has raised the Turkish language issue. When
negotiating its membership of the EU in 2002, the Republic was dissuaded
by Brussels from pushing too hard on the issue, citing “the limited
practical purposes” and “considerable cost”.</p><p>Adding another
language would increase the number of combinations the EU’s translation
and interpretation services have to deal with. Upping that number from
552 to 600 would mean an estimated €37 million increase in the annual
bill.</p><p>The Republic of Cyprus has been an EU member since 2004.
Turkish-Cypriots, despite living in territory not under the control of
the government, are still considered EU citizens.</p><p><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/section/languages-culture/news/official-eu-language-status-evades-turkish/">http://www.euractiv.com/section/languages-culture/news/official-eu-language-status-evades-turkish/</a><br></p><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature">**************************************<br>N.b.: Listing on the lgpolicy-list is merely intended as a service to its members<br>and implies neither approval, confirmation nor agreement by the owner or sponsor of the list as to the veracity of a message's contents. Members who disagree with a message are encouraged to post a rebuttal, and to write directly to the original sender of any offensive message. A copy of this may be forwarded to this list as well. (H. Schiffman, Moderator)<br><br>For more information about the lgpolicy-list, go to <a href="https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/" target="_blank">https://groups.sas.upenn.edu/mailman/</a><br>listinfo/lgpolicy-list<br>*******************************************</div>