<div dir="ltr"><h1>Volume "Interests and Power in Language Management"</h1>
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<div class="gmail-submitted"><span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="gmail-type">Announcement</span> published by <span class="gmail-username">Marek Nekula</span> on Friday, January 5, 2018</span></div>
<div class="gmail-field gmail-field--name-field-announcement-type gmail-field--type-list-text gmail-field--label-inline gmail-clearfix"><div class="gmail-field__label">Type: </div><div class="gmail-field__items"><div class="gmail-field__item even">Call for Papers</div></div></div><div class="gmail-field gmail-field--name-field-announcement-date gmail-field--type-datetime gmail-field--label-inline gmail-clearfix"><div class="gmail-field__label">Date: </div><div class="gmail-field__items"><div class="gmail-field__item even"><span class="gmail-date-display-single">March 30, 2018</span></div></div></div><div class="gmail-field gmail-field--name-field-subject-fields gmail-field--type-taxonomy-term-reference gmail-field--label-inline gmail-clearfix"><div class="gmail-field__label">Subject Fields: </div><div class="gmail-field__items"><div class="gmail-field__item even">Anthropology, Languages, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Sociology</div></div></div><div class="gmail-field gmail-field--name-body gmail-field--type-text-with-summary gmail-field--label-hidden"><div class="gmail-field__items"><div class="gmail-field__item even"><p>Call for Papers for the Volume <strong><em>Interests and Power in Language Management</em></strong></p><p>Edited by Marek Nekula, Tamah Sherman, Halina Zawiszová</p><p>Peter Lang Publishing Company: Berlin et al.</p><p>Series “Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction” edited by Jiří Nekvapil, Tamah Sherman and Petr Kaderka</p><p> </p><p>Interests
and power mentioned in the volume’s title are acknowledged as important
factors in various approaches to Language Policy and Planning. Power
and its role in language policy, planning and interaction have
repeatedly been and continue to be investigated within and beyond
sociolinguistics and discourse analysis: for instance, Antonio Gramsci
and Louis Althusser investigated the mechanism of “cultural hegemony”,
Michel Foucault the “dispositive of power”, Pierre Bourdieu the power
within a “social field”, Norman Fairclough the power exercised in and
performed through discourse, Paul Kroskrity the power of a “language
regime”. In contrast to power, interests have not been discussed as
intensively in connection with language. This applies to all approaches
in Language Policy and Planning as well as to Language Management Theory
(LMT). Though the seminal paper for LMT “Language planning: for whom?,”
published by B. H. Jernudd and J. V. Neustupný in 1987, was indeed
devoted to the issue of linguistic and non-linguistic interests, it did
not integrate the role of power.</p><p>In contrast, the intended volume
will focus on the interplay of interests and power and explore their
role and use in language management as well as in the negotiation of
linguistic and non-linguistic interests, and the utilization of power in
the resolution of conflicts between them. It is based on the symposium
“Interests and Power in Language Management” which was held in
Regensburg on September 12–14, 2017. However, the volume is also open to
submissions that were not previously presented during this symposium,
as well as to papers focused on other approaches in Language Policy and
Planning.</p><p>In this sense, we invite extended abstracts for papers
that reflect both interests and power and their interaction in language
management. Questions relevant for this volume include (but are not
limited to): <br>- Types of personal or group interests involved in language policy and planning<br>- Divergent/conflicting interests in language policy and planning and the ways in which power is manifested in their resolution<br>- Masking, revealing and legitimizing one’s interests in language policy and planning<br>- Power, powerlessness and empowerment in asserting various kinds of interests <br>- Power and interests in the interplay of linguistic, communication and socio-cultural management<br>- Power and interests in management of speaking in particular interactions <br>- Sources of power (culture, politics, economy etc.) that shape language policy and planning<br>- The power to propose, formulate, defend, participate in or implement a language policy <br>- The formation of advocacy coalitions in language management <br>- The use and management of power to change/maintain language or communication <br>- Ways of establishing or enforcing norms of language and communication <br><br><strong>Abstract Submission:</strong> Extended abstracts in English (500-1000 words) should be e-mailed to: <a href="mailto:marek.nekula@ur.de" rel="nofollow">marek.nekula@ur.de</a>
by March 30, 2018. Decisions on the abstracts will be sent by April 30,
2018. Papers based on the accepted abstracts are to be submitted by
July 31, 2018. They will subsequently undergo a standard peer-review
process.</p></div></div></div><div class="gmail-field gmail-field--name-field-announcement-email gmail-field--type-email gmail-field--label-inline gmail-clearfix"><div class="gmail-field__label">Contact Email: </div><div class="gmail-field__items"><div class="gmail-field__item even"><a href="mailto:marek.nekula@ur.de">marek.nekula@ur.de</a></div></div></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div>