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<p><em>“Aviation is a global enterprise and does not
happen in a bubble immune from cultural differences, miscommunication
and the challenges created by inadequate aviation English skills.” </em>— <em> Embry-Riddle Assistant Professor Elizabeth Mathews</em></p>
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<p>The international conference, “<a href="https://www.icaea.aero/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ICAEA-ERAU-Conference-2018-Provisional-Programme_v2.pdf">Building
on the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Language Proficiency
Requirements – Communications as a Human Factor”</a> is hosted by Embry-Riddle on May 9-11. To learn more about the conference, go to <a href="http://www.icaea.aero/">www.icaea.aero</a>.</p>
<p>The <a href="https://www.icaea.aero/">International Civil Aviation English Association</a> (ICAEA) conference at <a href="http://daytonabeach.erau.edu/about/index.html">Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach Campus</a>
will look into the effects of language and culture on communication as a
human factor; the language needs of the wider aviation profession;
incorporating communication strategies into best practices for training
and testing and considerations for future policy developments in
language and communication.</p>
<p>New perspectives on aviation English training and testing will be
discussed in the conference, which will include plenary presentations, Q
& A panels, interactive panel presentations, practical workshops,
informal poster sessions, and networking and social opportunities.</p>
<p>Twenty-four presenters and speakers are coming from throughout the
U.S. and other countries, such as Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada,
Ethiopia, Germany, Kenya, Slovenia and West Africa.</p>
<p>Participating organizations include airlines, manufacturers, civil
aviation authorities, air navigation service providers, and academic
institutions such as Embry-Riddle, Georgia State University and others.</p>
<p>“Aviation is a global enterprise and does not happen in a bubble
immune from cultural differences, miscommunication and the challenges
created by inadequate aviation English skills,” said Elizabeth Mathews,
Embry-Riddle assistant professor of <a href="http://daytonabeach.erau.edu/degrees/bachelor/aerospace-occupational-safety/index.html">Aerospace and Occupational Safety</a>,
who is on the board of the ICAEA. “The conference will bring people
together to discuss these topics, including how to improve training, the
standardization of aviation English testing, and the investigation of
language factors and more.”</p>
<p>The keynote speaker, Capt. Daniel Maurino, a well-known and long-serving <a href="https://www.icao.int/">International Civil Aviation Organization’s</a> human
factors and safety specialist, will open the first day of the
conference with his presentation on “The Role of Communication in Human
<p>Maurino is an international leading authority on flight safety, human
factors and safety management systems. In his current role, he has
advised the Civil Aviation Authority of Argentina on a five-year project
leading to the implementation of State Safety Programme of Argentina
and is presently advising the Aircraft Accident Investigation Board of
Argentina on the transition to a multimodal safety investigation agency.
Maurino, who flew for Aerolíneas Argentinas for 17 years, is also an
advisor to the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority and is a safety
management instructor for Airports Council International and the
International Air Transport Association.</p>
<p>After more than 40 years of aviation human factors as a discipline,
Mathews said understanding language as a human factor lags behind
industry’s understanding of other human performance issues. She will
present “A Linguistic Review of Aviation Accidents,” at the conference.</p>
<p>“With an increasingly multicultural industry, it is more important
than ever to understand and address language and communication factors
appropriately,” said Mathews, who is also a former linguistic consultant
for the ICAO. “The International Civil Aviation Organization’s
Language Requirements address pilot-controller radiotelephony
communications, but do not address the English language communication
needs when English is the common language of two non-native English
speakers sharing the same cockpit, or the English language needed
for maintenance safety and for flight training.”</p>
<p>Mathews is part of a team at Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach and <a href="https://worldwide.erau.edu/">Worldwide Campuses</a> reviewing databases of aircraft accidents to determine the role communication factors may have played.</p>
<p>The research is just one part of Embry-Riddle’s overall <a href="https://news.erau.edu/headlines/language-plays-a-greater-role-in-aviation-accidents-than-the-industry-may-realize/">Language as a Human Factor in Aviation Safety</a> (LHUFT) Initiative to heighten awareness, improve aviation safety and enhance future investigations.</p>
<p>The initiative and <a href="https://commons.erau.edu/db-lhuft/">LHUFT Center</a>
involves partnerships with Georgia State University and Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. The work includes joint
research projects; developing curriculum for aviation English;
advocating for best practices in aviation language training, teacher
training and testing programs, which are currently unregulated; and
becoming an industry leader for language in aviation research and
<p>Some other topics at the conference include “Exploring Intercultural
Factors in International Pilot-Air Traffic Controller Communications”;
“Recognizing Misunderstandings: Developing Communication Strategies for
Non-Native English Speaking Personnel,” “Notes from the Field: Making
the Case for Enhanced English Language Standards for Pilots” and
“English in the Aviation Maintenance Industry - The Impact on Safety and
an Exploration of the Need for Standards.”</p>
<p>Other Embry-Riddle speakers include Jennifer Roberts, Aviation
English Specialist for Embry-Riddle’s Worldwide Campus in the College of
Aeronautics, who will conduct a workshop on “Training to Develop
Communicative Competence” and Aline Pacheco, recent visiting research
scholar at Embry-Riddle, who will discuss “Inter-Cultural Issues in Air
Ground Communication: A Case Study – Triggers for Miscommunication.”
Aviation language and safety consultant, Capt. Enrique “Rick” Valdes,
retired from United Airlines, who is working with Embry-Riddle on
reviewing databases of aircraft accidents, will also have a panel
presentation. </p>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div>