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<div class="gmail-slug-heading"> <p></p> </div><h3 class="gmail-media-heading">Kashmiri linguist, Prof Koul dies at 76</h3><div class="gmail-meta"> Published at May 05, 2018 01:00 AM<span class="gmail-comments"> <a href="https://risingkashmir.com/news/kashmiri-linguist-prof-koul-dies-at-76-325038.html#Newscomments" title="Kashmiri linguist, Prof Koul dies at 76">0Comment(s)</a></span><span class="gmail-views">2334views</span><div id="gmail-facebook-share"><a class="gmail-fb-share-button gmail-fb_iframe_widget" href="http://risingkashmir.com/news/kashmiri-linguist-prof-koul-dies-at-76"><span style="vertical-align:bottom;width:82px;height:20px"></span></a></div><div class="gmail-clearfix"></div><div class="entry"><div id="gmail-subtitle"> <p><span style="color:rgb(89,89,90);font-weight:bold;line-height:18.5714px"></span><br></p></div><div class="gmail-paddingall gmail-pull-right" style="max-width:55%"> <a href="http://admin.risingkashmir.com/images/news/bc882235-8fbb-432e-874b-1c7d1a84e02f.jpg"><img class="gmail-img-thumbnail gmail-img-responsive" src="http://admin.risingkashmir.com/images/news/bc882235-8fbb-432e-874b-1c7d1a84e02f.jpg" alt="Kashmiri linguist, Prof Koul dies at 76"></a></div><h4> Mansoor Peer </h4> <b> Srinagar, May 05:</b><p>A
Kashmiri-born linguist Prof. Omkar Nath Koul who dedicated himself for
the promotion of Kashmiri language across the globe passed away in New
Delhi on Thursday. He was 76.<br>Koul was born in 1941 in Bugam village,
in south Kashmir’s Kulgam. He was brought up in a humble family with
literary atmosphere as his father Prem Nath Koul was a well-acclaimed
poet of Kashmir in that era.<br>“He passed away on Thursday late night.
He was battling with cancer. His cremation was held at New Delhi on
Friday,” a relative of the deceased said.<br>After completing his early
education here, Koul joined Agra University and did PHD in Comparative
Literature. He was selected for advanced study at the University of
IIIinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA).<br>Koul became the first and so far
only Kashmiri to head a prestigious Central Institute of Indian
Languages (CILS), Mysore, in 1999 after serving as Professor-cum-Deputy
Director at the institute.<br>He also worked as Principal, Northern
Regional Language Centre (CIIL), Patiala for 15 years (1971-1987) and
Professor and Head, Faculty of Languages, Lal Bahadur Shastri (LBS)
National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie for 7 years in 1987.<br>Koul
is internationally known for his language publications and research on
Kashmiri languages and its different elements. In 1971 CILS, Mysore set
up its Northern Regional Language Center and he was appointed as its
Principal.<br>He has authored and co-authored more than 100 books
including a huge supplementary and literary material in Kashmiri
language. His works include The Languages of Jammu and Kashmir in 2014,
Kashmiri Newspaper Reader (2008), Modern Kashmiri Grammar (co-author
with Kashi Wali in 2006), Aekhri faesla (The Last Judgment: A collection
of Kashmiri short stories) in 2009, Studies in Kashmiri Linguistics in
2005, Language, Education and Communication in 2005, Topics in Kashmiri
Linguistics (co-editor with Kashi Wali) in 2002, Kasiir ti Kaashur
Tahziib ( Kashmir and Kashmiri Culture) (co-editor with Lalita Handoo in
2002), Kashmiri Language, Linguistics and Culture: An Annotated
Bibliography in 2000, Punjabi-Kashmiri Dictionary (co-compiler).<br>Koul
was also acclaimed for the compilation of children literature like Gili
Tuury (a spring flower) which is a collection of Kashmiri short stories
for children (editor) written in 1998, Nursery Rhymes in Kashmiri
(co-editor) in 1996.<br>Besides, he has to his credit lot of textbook
publications including An Intermediate Course in Kashmiri, A Dictionary
of Kashmiri Proverbs, Kashmiri kahaaniyan (Kashmiri short stories edited
and translated from Kashmiri into Hindi) in 992, Kashmiri saahit daa
itihaas (A history of Kashmiri literature) in Punjabi (co-author) in
1987.<br>For his contribution towards the promotion and teaching of
different languages, UNESCO had appointed him as a Consultant on
Endangered Languages and Language Policy.<br>The Kalam Club Jammu has
expressed shock and conveyed its condolences on his sad demise. They
paid tributes to the deceased at a meeting in Jammu on Friday and
observed a two-minute silence in memory of the departed soul.<br>The Club members hailed his contribution to literature especially linguistics and language learning.<br>“Koul’s
visit to different countries including Pakistan boosted the relations
between the academics of both the countries that helped the young
scholars in their research work,” they said.<br>Speakers lauded his
efforts and humble attitude. They said Koul was always forthcoming to
help scholars and linguists. “His death is a great loss to the society
as a whole.<br>Meanwhile, Maraaz Adbee Sangam held a condolence meet to
pay tributes to Prof. Koul at its head office in Bijbehara. Kaleem
Bashir prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul. President
Maraaz Adbee Sangam, Yousuf Jahangir while expressing grief over the
demise of Koul said, “We have lost an affectionate teacher, a sincere
researcher and a lover of mother tongue who contributed a lot to
linguistics.”<br>Izhar Mubashir said that Koul will be remembered forever for his services for promotion of Kashmiri language and literature.<br>He said since Koul belongs to Maraaz area of Kashmir, as he was born there, “we must organise a seminar in the honour of Koul.”<br>Nisar
Nadeem of the literary organisation said, “Koul was my teacher and
taught me for three years. He was a sincere and dedicated teacher.”<br>Riyaz
Anzno conducted the proceeding of condolence meet and gave a brief
introduction of Prof. Koul. The prominent among the participants were
Ajaz G M Laloo, Naadir Ahsan and Hameeda Shah Akhter.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
<br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div>