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New FEHA regulations widen the scope of national origin discrimination
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August 9 2018
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<p>Effective July 1, new regulations (available <a class="gmail-logclick gmail-ct_cont" target="_blank" href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Fe-3D001nh7Ix-5FN6TBHKSdPqIcK0zNTusggiKdv4xAOC5O63uvbydZgQvMn8Grt2v83EW3qNVnuVNP4ymjYqTG-2DCJu6c8FsJsnuMcWZIeDoAgOi-5FUpoblvy0bM8-5F5E4ITT4fIA-5F5PswgEV8npG21Z-2DSLF0yKFv3ucoH56HIR4TTY2jhphSt1kGZdYIndB1CNwh5YW62faFK4QJE6bryC45fwO-2DDsNX1p0kNlIwVI6CVtwIdeBHPMxAPTbRelo0BdxnuTIGdKI-5Fytsiwo9jApzu7l2bTeXZrIP6LN8j2VOJsOFjnUmgxZw9b8-5Fn-2DkBFGHemf1D0w-2DCiz202ws1KlP1L-5FCkQ92TEW0mZKNrNFs&d=DwMFaQ&c=N-Mzp04sWREArlpZB5_L_Q&r=QwAR0kEEEH__VIvUJfTdbJz9nsePUxdv9uMZ4L0oEYc&m=ZRpf1qbWpN_9tb_DQULgrO65RGM8pYdhuPCoYiuBnYI&s=LyIhWvJIK6DTBTJ3yKIdhrIO3h7wJ59bgv8B6VP8Gy8&e=">here</a> and <a class="gmail-logclick gmail-ct_cont" target="_blank" href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Fe-3D001nh7Ix-5FN6TBHKSdPqIcK0zNTusggiKdv4xAOC5O63uvbydZgQvMn8Grt2v83EW3qNVnuVNP4ymjYqTG-2DCJu6c8FsJsnuMcWZIeDoAgOi-5FUpoblvy0bM8-5F5E4ITT4fIA-5F5n5O10LqmX5Ul2pbf4Q7VVRqSXwBbv-2D16xPKkMUto5aXBTobb0xuyQuNsgTKwjv-5FMaoAt5zdo7Hco-5FiPvjQ0UfTW7J46hneZuCDq9RdZTu-2DX-2DLi7JnMPzs8Wcd2guagQNdKrSJcaOdKg2-2DraOpxXnkzIO8IeIrDb5Um0-5F7qt0kNmA-2D1BEwcnvt14-5FBN0r437-2Dwn7b83PYGtauzuhqj-2DbMlAzytNJoQizSwU4HJG2qVaA-3D&d=DwMFaQ&c=N-Mzp04sWREArlpZB5_L_Q&r=QwAR0kEEEH__VIvUJfTdbJz9nsePUxdv9uMZ4L0oEYc&m=ZRpf1qbWpN_9tb_DQULgrO65RGM8pYdhuPCoYiuBnYI&s=_cBKXHERoTwF27gyaoPQDkuPn5AQjrPMiRHdsXtUQ88&e=">here</a>)
expanded the scope of the national origin discrimination provisions of
the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. The changes are expected
to have a significant impact on California employers with large
immigrant workforces, including restaurants and hotels, and the tech and
healthcare industries.</p>
<p>California’s ethnic diversity is often a strength, economically and
culturally. No single ethnic group forms a majority of the state's
population, making the state a “minority-majority” state. However,
managing that diversity can be a challenge for employers. The new FEHA
regulations attempt to clarify some of the areas in which employers are
likely to have difficulty.</p>
<p><strong>National origin discrimination </strong></p>
<p>California law already prohibits discrimination on the basis of
“national origin,” but the new regulations expand the definition of this
protected category to include the following:</p>
<li>Physical, cultural, or linguistic characteristics associated with a national origin group;</li>
<li>Marriage to or association with persons of a national origin group;</li>
<li>Tribal affiliation;</li>
<li>Membership in or association with an organization identified with or
seeking to promote the interests of a national origin group;</li>
<li>Attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples, mosques,
or other religious institutions generally used by persons of a national
origin group; and</li>
<li>Name that is associated with a national origin group.</li>
<p>The regulations also clarify that “national origin group” includes
any ethnic groups, geographic places of origin, and countries that are
not presently in existence. This may include micro-nations, which claim
to be independent nations, or states that are not recognized in the
international community.</p>
<p>Regulations prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation operate with this expanded definition of national origin.</p>
<p><strong>Language restriction policies </strong></p>
<p>In addition, the new regulations address language restriction
policies, including “English-only” policies. Language restriction
policies in California are allowed only under very narrow circumstances:
when (1) the language restriction is justified as a “business
necessity,” (2) the language restriction is narrowly tailored, and (3)
the employer has told employees about how and when the language
restriction applies and what happens to employees who violate it.</p>
<p>The regulations define “business necessity” very narrowly, making it
difficult for a California employer to justify a language restriction.
An employer must establish that the policy (1) is necessary for the safe
and efficient operation of the business, (2) effectively fulfills the
business purpose it is supposed to serve, and (3) has no alternative
that could serve the same business purpose. Moreover, a language
restriction policy cannot be enacted for business convenience or based
on the preferences of customers or co-workers. It also cannot apply
during employees’ non-working time, including lunch breaks, rest
periods, and unpaid employer-sponsored events.</p>
<p>In summary, language restriction policies are unlikely to be
justified based on “business necessity,” which means that few language
restriction policies will comply with California law.</p>
<p><strong>English proficiency and accents</strong></p>
<p>Discrimination on the basis of an accent may qualify as national
origin discrimination, unless the accent materially interferes with the
employee’s ability to perform the job in question. In addition, an
employer cannot discriminate against a person based on his or her level
of English proficiency unless English proficiency is required to
effectively fulfill the employee’s job duties. Relevant factors include
the type and degree of proficiency and the nature and duties of the
position. An employer may, however, ask applicants or employees about
their ability to speak, read, write, or understand any language,
provided that doing so is justified by a business necessity.</p>
<p>If, as an example, a California retailer decided to remove employees
with Spanish or Chinese accents from positions requiring contact with
customers, that would probably violate the FEHA and the new regulations,
even if the retailer acted out of concerns about customer preference or
<p><strong>Miscellaneous provisions</strong></p>
<li><em>Recruitment and Job Segregation:</em> It is unlawful for an
employer to seek, request, or refer applicants or employees based on
national origin. It is also unlawful to assign employees to positions,
facilities, or geographical areas based on national origin, unless
pursuant to a permissible defense.</li>
<li><em>Height and Weight Requirements:</em> These could create a
disparate impact on the basis of national origin. When disparate impact
is established, these types of restrictions will be unlawful, unless the
employer can demonstrate that they are job-related and justified by
business necessity, and that there is no less discriminatory means of
achieving the same goal.</li>
<li><em>Human trafficking:</em> An employer may not “use force, fraud,
or coercion to compel the employment of” or subject to adverse
treatment, applicants or employees on the basis of national origin.
Although “human trafficking” is usually cited in connection with coerced
sexual activities, the concept of using “force or coercion to compel
employment” could exist in industries such agriculture, manufacturing,
garment, and food processing.</li>
<p><strong>Best practices for employers</strong></p>
<li><strong>Review your EEO policies.</strong> Employers should make
sure that their equal employment opportunity policies expressly prohibit
harassment and discrimination based on national origin, using the
DFEH’s expanded definition.</li>
<li><strong>Review language restriction policies and “English Only” practices.</strong>
Employers should consider whether such restrictions meet the
requirements imposed by the new regulations, such as “business
necessity,” and consider alternatives that might achieve the same goals
in compliance with the regulations.</li>
<li><strong>Seek guidance from hiring and diversity professionals on cultural, linguistic, and ethnic differences among employees.</strong>
For example, one should not assume that everyone who speaks Spanish or
“looks Asian” shares common experiences. Each nation (or micro-nation)
has its own unique culture and political background. Ethnic stereotyping
should obviously be avoided in all work-related contexts, including
hiring, promotions, training, assignments, and social events.</li>
<li><strong>Update training materials</strong>. Ensure that managers and
supervisors get adequate training about national origin issues –
especially “English-only” rules, discrimination based on accents, ethnic
stereotyping, and participation in employee affinity groups. This could
be included as part of a company’s harassment training, or its
diversity training.</li>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div>