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<a href="https://www.malaysiakini.com/a?language=en&q=Viswanathan Selvaratnam">Viswanathan Selvaratnam</a> |
Published: 28 Aug 2018, 10:38 am |
Modified: 28 Aug 2018, 11:42 am
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<p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255)">COMMENT</span> | Malaysia aspires to
transform itself from its present middle-income trap to a tech-savvy,
export-driven, high-income and developed nation state by 2020 (now
<p>The development trajectory’s main drivers are foreign and domestic
capital, and high-quality skilled and innovative human capital. To
accelerate the creation of a critical mass of a "balanced", skilled and
innovative human capital, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak
declared a motto of “<a href="http://www.intanbk.intan.my/iportal/dl/MinisterialTalk/idris_BM.pdf"><strong>soaring upwards</strong></a>” for higher education.</p>
<p>The goal was to fast-track the supply of “a first-rate educated
workforce” to boost productivity and drive economic growth with
high-wage employment and living standards.</p>
<p>Both developed and developing nations, including Malaysia, have over
time empirically evidenced that their human capital can be actualised
and sustained only through a well-formulated, inclusive, efficiently
coordinated and well-funded national education system.</p>
<p>Students have to be invigorated with bilingual and numerical
competency, critical thinking, communication skills and core ideas, as
well as nurtured to be creative, innovative, technology-savvy and
entrepreneurial in their impending work culture.</p>
<p><img alt="" class="gmail-cms-image-scale-screen gmail-cms-image-scale-left" src="https://i.malaysiakini.com/1184/e795ad99f46eff2ee990ebc243f71ef0.jpeg" style="width: 100%;"></p>
<p>Malaysia’s options to achieve developed nation status are limited,
primarily due to its small domestic market. Thus, Malaysia’s obvious
choice is to be a robust exporter of high value-added goods and
<p>To hold and enhance its competitive edge in the export value chain
with other aggressive market players, students have to be continuously
upgraded. They have to be acclimatised on an upward scaled knowledge and
skills platform to maximise their employability and productivity.</p>
<p>Otherwise, the country will not be able to sustainably generate and
accumulate the productive capital assets to achieve developed nation
status. The question is, does Malaysia’s education system embed into its
students the critical and complex bundle of talents and skills to meet
these challenges?</p>
<p><strong>Poor competency</strong></p>
<p>Malaysia’s higher education provision is underpinned and driven by a
politically determined, structurally divergent and racially polarised
public-private higher education system.</p>
<p>The public provision is centrally controlled, highly subsidised and
has been driven by a politically resolute, race-based affirmative action
strategy with a dominant national language policy to purportedly
maintain national unity and political stability.</p>
<p>Since independence in 1957, English has been retained as a compulsory
second language in public schools. But despite this policy, the public
education system has in the last four decades been underscored by a low
level of English teaching, that has resulted in generations of students
leaving the education system with poor competency.</p>
<p>The outcome is that has drastically excluded the system from
preparing students to keep pace with the accelerating growth in new
knowledge, as well as the rapidly changing needs of the labour market.</p>
<p>The parallel, highly structured and overwhelmingly profit-motivated
private delivery system is also anticipated to meet the high-quality
human capital needs of the economy. However, both these public and
private systems are classic cases of credential and quantity over
quality driven providers.</p>
<p>Can both these divergent structures, primarily reinforced by
credentials and quantity over quality, and inbuilt with overpowering
political and economic constraints, generate the high-quality skilled
workforce needed to achieve developed nation status?</p>
<p>Small countries like Malaysia have no choice but to be intertwined
and interlinked to the increasingly competitive global marketplace. To
hold and enhance their competitive-edge, Malaysia has to develop a
skilled workforce with the requisite cognitive, analytical,
problem-solving, decision making, communicating and interpersonal and
management abilities underpinned by a good command of English.</p>
<p><img alt="" class="gmail-cms-image-scale-screen gmail-cms-image-scale-left" src="https://i.malaysiakini.com/1171/f1143edce590185dd7b3d6d3a341eb0c.jpeg" style="width: 100%;"></p>
<p>Graduates packaged with the above complex skillsets will command their own value in the advancing knowledge-economy.</p>
<p><strong>The decline in quality education</strong></p>
<p>Unlike Singapore, that retained English as the medium of instruction
at all levels of its education structure, Malaysia made the national
language the main medium of instruction of its public education system
in 1983.</p>
<p>The colonial administrative and education policies have truncated the
growth of the national language. Even after independence, the national
linguistic initiatives have not been able to develop the national
language as a bearer of a universal scientific tradition, unlike what
has been achieved in South Korea.</p>
<p>Although English was made a compulsory second language, nationalist
and patriotic sentiments conjoined with political exigency and the lack
of competent teachers, progressively gave way to the greater usage of
Bahasa Malaysia, while the use of English was allowed to significantly
<p>This insular policy has contributed in the last 40 years to a drastic
decline in English proficiency in national schools, as well as among
tertiary students and the academic community.</p>
<p>The dominant shift in the usage of national language in schools
occurred despite the pre-eminence of English as the worldwide lingua
franca in science, scholarship, communication, trade and global affairs
and diplomacy. An overwhelming majority of academic books, research
documents and high-impact research journals, particularly in the
critical Stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
programmes are overwhelmingly available only in English.</p>
<p>Most non-English-speaking countries that aspire to keep abreast with
the globalising world have made it the first foreign language in their
schools. It is taught from primary level upwards in all Dutch, Chinese
and Indian schools. In China, the demand for competency in English is
<p>English is used as a working language in the whole of the European
Union. Malaysia’s Asean neighbour and competitor, Vietnam, has
identified English education as the key to improving the quality of its
rapidly expanding tertiary institutions.</p>
<p><img alt="" class="gmail-cms-image-scale-screen gmail-cms-image-scale-left" src="https://i.malaysiakini.com/1304/7fd08347a493d408071fcb90a3883c28.jpeg" style="width: 100%;"></p>
<p>In addition, the country says English is crucial to the larger aim of
modernising and internationalising its economy. Malaysia’s novel policy
drive towards technological and export-driven nation hinges on its
human capital development.</p>
<p><strong>Supply-demand mismatch</strong></p>
<p>The outcry from both the public and private sector is that the
country’s universities are not nurturing graduates with English language
skills as well as the mental building blocks to think constructively – a
quality of workforce that industrial and service sector employers are
in dire need of.</p>
<p>As the private sector’s demand for better skilled workers increases,
many top firms are almost exclusively recruiting returning Malaysian
graduates from select overseas English-medium universities rather than
from the relatively more insular public institutions.</p>
<p>A lawmaker pointed out recently that thousands of local public
university graduates were unemployable by the private sector because of
their poor command of the English language. These unemployable graduates
have no choice than to be recruited into the highly bloated public
<p>The concern over the failure of thousands of local university
graduates to secure employment due to their inability to “string a
sentence together in English” was once again reiterated by the former
Sarawak chief minister, the late Adenan Satem. To alleviate this serious
and growing problem of “graduates without a future,” Adenan (<em>photo</em>) decided to adopt English, as a second official language for Sarawak.</p>
<p><img alt="" class="gmail-cms-image-scale-screen gmail-cms-image-scale-left" src="https://i.malaysiakini.com/1047/f10ac08ed55b509c0daf442e89f87856.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p>
<p>The National Graduate Employability Blueprint 2012-2017 has highlighted the <a href="https://masurimasooded770.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/national-graduate-employability-blueprint-2012-2017.pdf"><strong>serious mismatch</strong></a>
between the supply and demand of graduates in the labour market, and
emphasises that the employability rates for graduates “remain poor and
<p>The Malaysian Employers Federation also pointed out that unemployment
among graduates in the country is a serious problem. In a 2013
Jobstreet survey, employers stated that there was a gap between their
expectations of graduates and the quality of graduates produced by the
country’s universities.</p>
<p>Nearly 70 percent of employers think that the quality of the
country’s fresh graduates is average, and they were lacking in cognitive
skills as well as in the ability to write correctly and communicate
orally in English. Poor command of English was singled out as the
primary reason for their growing yearly decline in their employability.</p>
<p>To boost the employment rate of public university graduates across
the country, the former BN government instituted the 1Malaysia Training
Scheme and the Graduate Employability Management Scheme. It is
perplexing how trained public university graduates need to be retrained,
at the taxpayers’ expense, when corrections are not made to set right
the deficiencies within the school education system.</p>
<p>Something has gone seriously amiss in the Malaysian education story
that spends near six percent of its GDP on education. Can short
programmes be sufficient to enhance candidates’ glaring English language
and other work-related deficiencies to the required level to enter the
increasingly competitive graduate employment market?</p>
<p>The country’s glaring English language deficiency is simply too large a fact to be ignored.</p>
<p>VISWANATHAN SELVARATNAM is an independent researcher with expertise
in educational policy, educational theory and higher education.</p>
<p><em>The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.</em></p>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div></div>