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S’wak govt never agreed to change present policy on English usage </h1>
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<span class="gmail-posted-on"> September 5, 2018, Wednesday</span>
<span class="gmail-byline"><span class="gmail-author gmail-vcard">Peter Boon</span></span>
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<p> </p>
<p>SIBU: The Sarawak government has never agreed to change its present
policy regarding the use of English, said Assistant Minister of
Education and Technological Research Dr Annuar Rapaee.</p>
<p>He pointed out that for that reason, English is also used in the
State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, adding that Sarawak rights on
English Language has been clearly outlined in the Inter-Government
Committee (IGC) Report (Education).</p>
<p>He asserted that it is clearly stipulated that under paragraph 17 (1)
of the IGC Report, which states that the present policy and system of
administration of education in Sarawak (including their present
Ordinances) should be undisturbed and remain under the control of the
Government of the State until that Government otherwise agrees.</p>
<p>“The IGC Report paragraph 17 (a) states that although Education (item
13 (a) of the Federal List in the Ninth Schedule) will be a federal
subject, the present policy and system of administration of education in
North Borneo and Sarawak (including their present Ordinances) should be
undisturbed and remain under the control of the Government of the State
until that Government otherwise agrees – in particular, the present
policy in the Borneo States regarding the use of English should
<p>“Therefore, in education, it is clear that the usage of English in
education should be continue until unless Sarawak State Government
otherwise agrees,” Dr Annuar, who is also Assistant Minister of Housing
and Public Health, said in a media statement today.</p>
<p>The Nangka assemblyman was responding to a report in an online portal
headlined “Ministry: Unlawful to use English as medium of instruction
in schools” where it was stated that the Education Ministry was against
the use of English as the medium of instruction in national schools as
it violated Article 152(1) of the Federal Constitution and the National
Language Act 1963/67, adding that contravened the letter and spirit of
the Education Act 1996.</p><div style="text-align:center;width:100%;height:auto;clear:none" class="gmail-google-auto-placed gmail-ap_container"><ins style="display:block;margin:auto;background-color:transparent" class="gmail-adsbygoogle gmail-adsbygoogle-noablate"><ins id="gmail-aswift_3_expand" style="display:inline-table;border:medium none;height:189px;margin:0px;padding:0px;width:756px;background-color:transparent"><ins id="gmail-aswift_3_anchor" style="display:block;border:medium none;height:189px;margin:0px;padding:0px;width:756px;background-color:transparent"></ins></ins></ins></div>
<p>It was further reported that the Education Ministry in a written
parliamentary reply to Batang Sadong MP Nancy Shukri, said therefore, to
preserve and honour the supremacy of the constitution and the law, the
ministry does not suggest that English be used as the medium of
instruction in schools, including schools in Sarawak.</p>
<p>In response to this, Dr Annuar remarked: “I want to question the
Ministry of Education whether there is any point in time that Sarawak
government has agreed to change what has been stipulated in IGC Report
paragraph 17 (1) (a).</p>
<p>“If my memory serves me right – there is no point in time as far as
history is concerned that Sarawak government has agreed to make such
<p>“Furthermore, the IGC Report must be adhered to otherwise the
Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), which is based on IGC Report is not
being respected. Therefore, the Ministry of Education’s reply should
take into account the IGC Report as per paragraph 17 (1) (a) and we
(Sarawak government) has never agreed to change present policy regarding
the use of English.”</p>
<p>In fact, according to Dr Annuar, Sarawak rights on English Language, is also enshrined in the Federal Constitution.</p>
<p>“Under Article 152(1)(a), “no person shall be prohibited or prevented
from using (otherwise than for official purposes), or from teaching or
learning, any other language”. There was a case previously which
clarified that there is a constitutional right to teach and learn any
language as a separate subject. Therefore, any educational institution
in Sarawak can teach any language, including English language.</p>
<p>“In addition to the right to teach and learn English, English
language also can be the main medium of instruction in any educational
institution in Sarawak but subject to the national language (Malay
language) being taught as a compulsory subject as provided in section 17
of the Education Act 1996,” he cited.</p>
<p>Dr Annuar also noted for Expatriate Schools – under Section 15 of the
Education Act 1996, education in expatriate or international schools is
not subject to the national education system and curriculum.</p>
<p>Likewise, he noted that kindergartens under Section 23 and 25 of the
Education Act, language other than Malay language maybe used as a medium
of instruction in kindergartens and child care centres.</p>
<p>“If Expatriate Schools and kindergartens can use English – then why
not national schools (be permitted to use English as the medium of
<p>“If we think that English is important, we should give freedom to
other states to use whatever (language) that they think is good for
them. There should be no restrictions imposed for any other states on
the use of any language to improve themselves including English apart
from the upholding the national language – Bahasa Melayu.”</p>
<p>He reckoned if the government allows the setting up of International
schools across the country then, children from the well-to-do families
would flock to such institutions, which utilise English as the medium of
<p>On that note, he voiced concern that if the matter is not tackled
holistically, it will lead to the widening of knowledge gaps between
poor and rich students.</p>
<p>“The gap in term of employability and opportunities will also widen.
We have already seen the performance of rural students in term of
employability and opportunities besides self-confidence to that of
students from well off families in urban areas.</p>
<p>“Do not misconstrue that Bahasa Malaysia is not important but as our
national language – it should be upheld and its use further
<p>“What I am trying to say is that the present education system does
not provide equal opportunity at the moment between poor and rich
students thus, widening the divide,” he pointed out.</p>
<p>Dr Annuar recalled that in the Borneo Post article dated Aug 18, 2018, he had <a href="http://www.theborneopost.com/2018/08/18/dr-annuar-use-rm1-bln-loan-offer-to-build-special-schools/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">suggested</a>
for the state government to use the RM1 billion loan offer for the
federal government to repair 1,020 dilapidated schools in Sarawak if the
PH federal government was not prepared to accept it, to build state own
schools modelled upon international school curriculum.</p>
<p>This will provide more opportunities, including a level playing field for rural students, he said.sts=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br></p></div><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div></div>