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</div></div></div><span class="gmail-jg-published">Published:<span class="gmail-jg-published-created">Sunday | October 21, 2018 | 12:00 AM</span></span><ul class="gmail-links gmail-inline"><li class="gmail-comment_forbidden gmail-first gmail-last"><br></li></ul><div class="gmail-field gmail-field-name-body gmail-field-type-text-with-summary gmail-field-label-hidden"><div class="gmail-field-items"><div class="gmail-field-item even"><p>
Pon October 11, 2018, Gleaner put out one article wid dis ya headline,
'PEP in the universe of Patois'. Mi wonder if di smaddy weh write dat
deh article know seh di 'universe of Patois' big an broad fi true. Fi wi
Jamaican language a ongle one a di nuff-nuff Creole language dem weh
people all over di universe start fi learn from dem deh eena dem mumma
belly. More dan 40 Creole language out deh!</p>
Den <b>Gleaner </b>throw word pon Ronnie Thwaites inna di said same
article. Inna 2012, wen Thwaites did a di minister a education eena PNP
govament, im did seh, "The language of employment, of instruction, of
professionalism, the language of world view is the English language, not
anything else." Dat sound like seh a diss im a diss fi wi Jamaican
language. It a di "anything else". An it cyaan use fi teach pikni
Now dat PNP eena Opposition, Thwaites a change im mouth. Pure politics!
Look wa im write seh eena wan article, 'Language is the problem', weh
Gleaner put out pon October 8: "In Jamaica, the fissure between the
command of Standard English required for PEP and the familiarity of most
students only in Jamaican Creole creates the huge difference in
outcomes and explains much of what we are bemoaning in the exam
results." Di problem a no language. A di hypocrite politician dem!</p>
A now Thwaites find out seh di pikni dem no understand English to dat?
Look how long di people dem weh study language, all like Prof Hubert
Devonish, a tell govament seh dem ha fi use di pikni dem yard language
eena school! Dat a common sense. Pikni cyaan learn nutten if dem no
understand wa teacher a seh.</p>
A Prof Devonish start up di Jamaican Language Unit (JLU) inna di
University of the West Indies (UWI). An di JLU change over nuff a di
primary school book dem from English to Jamaican. Di pikni dem can learn
fi read an write eena di two language. Proper-proper! Same like whole
heap a odder pikni all over di world weh start off school a use dem yard
language. Den dem learn one next language pon top a dat.</p>
<b>Gleaner </b>a force PNP fi stand up fi principle: "Mr Thwaites has
made a substantial political move, having, as his party's spokesman on
education, placed the matter squarely on the agenda. The PNP now has to
make clear whether his statement was a declaration of policy."</p>
Next week Sunday, a International Creole Day. Me want know weh di PNP
an di JLP a go do fi celebrate di day. Pon Thursday, Prof Devonish a go
gi one lecture, 'An Official Language Policy For Jamaica', eena di
Neville Hall Lecture Theatre (N1), 2:30 eena di afternoon. Di public can
come. Prof Devonish a retire from UWI an fi im lecture a di highlight a
one conference weh di Department of Language, Linguistics and
Philosophy a put on pon Thursday an Friday fi big im up. Nuff rispek
Pan Aktuoba 11, Gleaner put out wan aatikl wid dis ya edlain, 'PEP in
the universe of Patois'. Mi wanda if di smadi we rait dat de aatikl nuo
se di 'universe of Patois' big an braad fi chruu. Fi wi Jamiekan
langgwij a ongl wan a di nof-nof Kriyuol langgwij dem we piipl aal uova
di yuunivors staat fi lorn fram dem de iina dem muma beli. Muor dan
faati Kriyuol langgwij out de!</p>
Den <b>Gleaner</b> chruo word pan Ronnie Thwaites ina di sed siem
aatikl. Ina 2012, wen Thwaites did a di minista a edikieshan iina PNP
govament, im did se, "The language of employment, of instruction, of
professionalism, the language of world view is the English language, not
anything else." Dat soun laik se a dis im a dis fi wi Jamiekan
langgwij. It a di "anything else". An it kyaahn yuuz fi tiich pikni
Nou dat PNP iina Apazishan, Thwaites a chienj im mout. Pyuur palitiks!
Luk wa im rait se iina wan aatikl, 'Language is the problem', we Gleaner
put out pan Aktuoba 8: "In Jamaica, the fissure between the command of
Standard English required for PEP and the familiarity of most students
only in Jamaican Creole creates the huge difference in outcomes and
explains much of what we are bemoaning in the exam results." Di prablem a
no langgwij. A di ipokrit palitishan dem!</p>
A nou Thwaites fain out se di pikni dem no andastan Ingglish tu dat?
Luk ou lang di piipl dem we stodi langgwij, aal laik Prof Hubert
Devonish, a tel govament se dem a fi yuuz di pikni dem yaad langgwij
iina skuul! Dat a kaman sens. Pikni kyaahn lorn notn if dem no andastan
wa tiicha a se.</p>
A Prof Devonish staat op di Jamaican Language Unit (JLU) ina di
University of the West Indies (UWI). An di JLU chienj uova nof a di
praimeri skuul buk dem fram Ingglish tu Jamiekan. Di pikni dem kyahn
lorn fi riid an rait iina di tuu langgwij. Prapa-prapa! Siem laik uol
iip a ada pikni aal uova di worl we staat aaf skuul a yuuz dem yaad
langgwij. Den dem lorn wan neks langgwij pan tap a dat.</p>
<b>Gleaner</b> a fuors PNP fi stan op fi prinsipl: "Mr Thwaites has
made a substantial political move, having, as his party's spokesman on
education, placed the matter squarely on the agenda. The PNP now has to
make clear whether his statement was a declaration of policy."</p>
Neks wiik Sonde a International Creole Day. Mii waahn nuo we di PNP an
di JLP a go du fi selibriet di die. Pan Torsde, Prof Devonish a go gi
wan lekcha, 'An Official Language Policy For Jamaica' iina di Neville
Hall Lecture Theatre (N1), 2:30 iina di aaftanuun. Di poblik kyahn kom.
Prof Devonish a ritaiya fram UWI an fi im lekcha a di ailait a wan
kanfrens we di Department of Language, Linguistics and Philosophy a put
aan pan Torsde an Fraide fi big im op. Nof rispek juu!</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
<br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div></div>