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<h1 class="gmail-uk-article-title">SU maintains so-called ‘clapping ban’ as votes are delayed at November Senate</h1>
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Written by <a href="https://mancunion.com/author/joshsandiford/" title="Josh Sandiford">Josh Sandiford</a> on 9th November 2018. Posted in <a href="https://mancunion.com/category/news/" rel="category tag">News</a> </p>
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<p>The University of Manchester Students’ Union Senate has doubled down
on its controversial so-called ‘clapping ban’, with 53% either
abstaining or voting against a measure to revoke the original policy
which recently caused a media storm.</p>
<p>A proposal was put forward at November’s Senate to formally revoke
the ‘ban’ on clapping, arguing that the BSL sign language policy
“excludes blind people for participating”.</p>
<p>The Senate also voted to amend its constitution, a motion was passed
by 77% for the ‘T’ to be added back into the SU’s recognised definition
of ‘LGBQ+’.</p>
<p>In total, nine proposals were supposed to have been debated and voted
on during November’s Senate, and part-time officer elections were
supposed to have been held. However, there were a number of technical
issues and procedural complaints with part-time officer voting, so the
election was postponed. As a result, the session ran over time
considerably, so only two of the nine proposals were voted on.</p>
<p>The seven proposals which were not voted on will now roll over to the
Senate’s December meeting for consideration, which is likely to
disappoint some campaign groups.</p>
<p>The environment would have been a big focus of November’s senate.
Four out of eight policy proposals were related to environmental issues,
including one that would have made the Students’ Union officially
support ‘Extinction Rebellion’, the pressure group that recently caused<a href="https://mancunion.com/2018/11/07/climate-change-protest-causes-oxford-road-chaos/"> chaos by blocking Oxford Road in protest</a>.</p>
<p>Other proposals that were not voted on related to the inclusion and
advocacy of QTIPOC (Queer, Trains, Intersex, People of Colour) and the
SU supporting the fight for marriage equality in Northern Ireland.</p>
<p>The Senate also didn’t get to vote on endorsing the #MisogynyIsHate
campaign, despite a member of the audience noting that it was a
time-sensitive measure.</p>
<p>Following the so-called ‘clap-gate’ scandal which arose out of the
first Senate of the academic year in September, attendees were asked at
November’s Senate to “take extra care” if they wanted to report on the
<p>Senate is the highest decision-making body at the Students Union,
meeting six times a year. The next Senate will be held on Thursday 8th
<p><em>The Mancunion</em> has reached out to representatives from Extinction Rebellion and #MisogynyIsHate for comment.</p>
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Tags: <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/clapgate/">clapgate</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/clapping-ban/">clapping ban</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/manchester-students-union/">Manchester Students' Union</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/mancunion/">mancunion</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/news/">news</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/students-union/">Students Union</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/students-union-senate/">students union senate</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/university-of-manchester/">University of Manchester</a>, <a href="https://mancunion.com/tag/uom/">uom</a> </p>
<br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div></div>