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<div class="gmail-wrapper gmail-clearfix gmail-full gmail-pb-feature gmail-pb-layout-item gmail-pb-f-article-header" id="gmail-f965RS1YxtNN9r"><div class="gmail-text-wrapper"><h1> Te reo Māori names to be considered for hundreds of Auckland parks </h1> <div class="gmail-publish"> 28 Nov, 2018 7:06pm <div class="gmail-read-time"> <span class="gmail-clock-pic gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-clock-icon-9e9f9f"></span> 3 minutes to read </div> </div> </div> <div class="gmail-header-image-wrapper"> <img id="gmail-" class="gmail-responsively-lazy gmail-desktop gmail-loaded" alt="Eastdale Reserve in Avondale is among hundreds of parks in Auckland being considered for having a Māori name replace, or added to, its current name. Photo / Google" src="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/ImH2pbC50Y8A7lYsoA7T4i--hYk=/620x349/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/H6YAQUTVKRHLZGVUFAWXM7CCWE.jpg"> </div> Eastdale
Reserve in Avondale is among hundreds of parks in Auckland being
considered for having a Māori name replace, or added to, its current
name. Photo / Google </div> <div class="gmail-wrapper gmail-clearfix gmail-full gmail-pb-feature gmail-pb-layout-item gmail-pb-f-article-slimline-byline" id="gmail-f0yBJrsYxtNN9r"> <div class="gmail-byline gmail-default-border gmail-bio-with-share gmail-has-author"> <div class="gmail-author-name"> <span class="gmail-author gmail-author-space"> <div class="gmail-bio-text"> <span class="gmail-author"> <a href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/author/martin-johnston/"> By: <span class="gmail-section-national-color gmail-author-title">Martin Johnston</span> </a> </span> <div class="gmail-author-bio">Senior journalist, NZ Herald</div> <a class="gmail-author-attr" href="mailto:martin.johnston@nzherald.co.nz">martin.johnston@nzherald.co.nz</a> <a class="gmail-author-attr" href="https://www.twitter.com/@MartinJohnston6">@MartinJohnston6</a> </div></span> </div> <div class="gmail-byline-shares-wrapper"> <div class="gmail-byline-shares"> <div class="gmail-utility-tools"> </div> <div class="gmail-social-tools"> <a class="email gmail-tool gmail-first gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-email-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><a class="gmail-facebook gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-facebook-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><a class="gmail-twitter gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-twitter-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><a class="gmail-share-container gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-share-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><a class="gmail-bookmark gmail-tool gmail-last gmail-not-alone gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-bookmark-icon gmail-section-national" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><div class="gmail-hidden-shares extra-shares"> <div class="extra-share-wrapper"> <div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-facebook gmail-tool gmail-first gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-facebook-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-twitter gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-twitter-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="email gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-email-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-linkedin gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-linkedin-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-google-plus gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-googleplus-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-whatsapp gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-whatsapp-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-pinterest gmail-tool gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-pinterest-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div><div class="gmail-icon-wrapper"> <a class="gmail-reddit gmail-tool gmail-last gmail-share-button gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-reddit-icon" tabindex="_tbidx_"> </a><span class="gmail-icon-name"></span> </div> </div> <span class="gmail-share-close gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-close-icon-white"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gmail-wrapper gmail-clearfix gmail-full gmail-pb-feature gmail-pb-layout-item gmail-pb-f-article-body" id="gmail-fs5rD31YxtNN9r"> <div id="gmail-article-body" class="gmail-article-body gmail-article-body-elements"> <div id="gmail-article-content"> <p class="element element-paragraph">
Your local Auckland park could be about to gain a Māori name as local
boards consult Māori groups on how to tell the "unique stories of Tāmaki
Makaurau".</p> <p class="element element-paragraph"> Brains Park,
Dickey Reserve and Eastdale Reserve are just three among 99 places
picked by the Whau Local Board in its first group of parks and reserves
to go through the review.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph"> The
Auckland Council move to add Māori names or even have them replace
existing names was initiated by mana whenua - Auckland Māori who have
mana and ancestral connections in some part of the region.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph"> Mana whenua groups are being asked to propose Māori names to local boards.</p> <div class="gmail-ad-container gmail-has-text gmail-max-width-300 gmail-max-width-300" style="max-width:300px"> <div class="gmail-ad-text-before">Advertisement</div> <div class="gmail-ad-contact-text"><a href="https://advertising.nzme.co.nz/">Advertise with NZME.</a></div> </div> <p class="element element-paragraph">
As well as local parks, reserves and domains, the renaming programme
will include 53 regional parks and cemeteries, plus libraries; council
leisure centres and other community places will be added later.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
"The scale of the programme is significant," council officials said in a
report. "It is estimated there are more than 4100 parks and places
across Tāmaki Makaurau."</p> <p class="element element-paragraph"> The
council hopes that, in line with its Māori language policy, the
re-naming will foster learning of te reo Māori and the associated
Auckland Māori history and values.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
The language policy notes that te reo Māori and culture form a critical
part of a Māori identity that is Auckland's point of difference in the
world.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph"> Nationally many
landmarks and institutions have had a Māori name added or restored, such
as our highest mountain, officially called Aoraki/Mount Cook since the
1990s.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph"> The council expects that in most cases parks and reserves will have a Māori name added to their existing names.</p> <div class="gmail-wrapper gmail-clearfix gmail-pb-feature gmail-pb-layout-item gmail-pb-f-article-related-articles"> <h2 class="gmail-related-header gmail-section-national-color">Related articles:</h2> <div class="gmail-related-articles-container gmail-section-national-color"> <a class="gmail-has-section-color" href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/headlines.cfm?c_id=1"> <span class="gmail-caps-header">NEW ZEALAND</span> </a> <a href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12012024" alt="The H Files: Last days for historic Mt Cook hut"> <h2 class="gmail-related-headline">The H Files: Last days for historic Mt Cook hut</h2> <div class="gmail-date">14 Mar, 2018 5:00am</div> <span class="gmail-read-time"> <span class="gmail-clock-pic gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-clock-icon-9e9f9f"></span> 4 minutes to read </span> </a> </div> <div class="gmail-related-articles-container gmail-section-national-color"> <a class="gmail-has-section-color" href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/headlines.cfm?c_id=1"> <span class="gmail-caps-header">NEW ZEALAND</span> </a> <a href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11893071" alt="Name-change bid makes waves on Waiheke"> <h2 class="gmail-related-headline">Name-change bid makes waves on Waiheke</h2> <div class="gmail-date">20 Jul, 2017 4:35pm</div> <span class="gmail-read-time"> <span class="gmail-clock-pic gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-clock-icon-9e9f9f"></span> 4 minutes to read </span> </a> </div> <div class="gmail-related-articles-container gmail-section-national-color"> <a class="gmail-has-section-color" href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/headlines.cfm?c_id=1"> <span class="gmail-caps-header">NEW ZEALAND</span> </a> <a href="https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12167777" alt="When happy and peace make 'happeace'"> <h2 class="gmail-related-headline">When happy and peace make 'happeace'</h2> <div class="gmail-date">28 Nov, 2018 7:08pm</div> <span class="gmail-read-time"> <span class="gmail-clock-pic gmail-svg-bg gmail-svg-clock-icon-9e9f9f"></span> 2 minutes to read </span> </a> </div> </div> <p class="element element-paragraph"> The public will have only a limited say on the adoption of the new names.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
When a dual name is sought, the council will receive the name "as a
gift", the report says, "rather than making this subject to consultation
with interest groups and the wider community".</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
When only a Māori name is proposed and consultation is deemed
appropriate, the consultation will not be about the name, "which tends
to invite inappropriate comment about the specifics of a Māori name"; it
will only be about "the intent to provide a mono-lingual Māori name".</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
"The predominant outcome is going to be the addition of names and
associated rich narratives and will not involve the removal of names.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
"Where it is considered appropriate to replace a name, the local board
will also need to carefully consider who the affected parties are and
determine if community engagement is appropriate.</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
"In all other cases, we propose that a strong public communications
approach will enable the community to understand the process and enjoy
the benefits of the additional name and narrative."</p> <p class="element element-paragraph">
When the council's environment and community committee approved the
naming scheme, chairwoman Penny Hulse said, "We are honoured to be
working with mana whenua to showcase these names and learn more about
out rich Māori history; some of which have been long lost over many
years."</p> </div> </div></div>
<br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature">=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+<br><br> Harold F. Schiffman<br><br>Professor Emeritus of <br> Dravidian Linguistics and Culture <br>Dept. of South Asia Studies <br>University of Pennsylvania<br>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305<br><br>Phone: (215) 898-7475<br>Fax: (215) 573-2138 <br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:haroldfs@gmail.com" target="_blank">haroldfs@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/" target="_blank">http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/</a> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------</div></div>