Kerim Friedman kerim.list at
Sun Apr 2 14:24:54 UTC 2000

>Is it possible that this little animal is going to revolutionize our work?  Making it possible to digitize recordings in one easy step?

Although MD is a digital medium, it does not allow for digital reduplication. The recording technology comes with built-in encryption that means any copy of an MD is an analog copy, even though the original is digital. I am sure that some kind of digital MP3 recorder will soon come out and replace MD. The MD encryption technology is rather redundant now that everyone can use MP3 to copy CDs directly to their hard drive.

Having said that, my Aiwa AM-70 (bought after a long thread on this list discussing the merits of different systems) with a mono microphone (Aiwa makes a nice one) and the rechargeable battery can do 2 and half hours on a single MD disk with very clear resolution. The ability to alter the disk's table of contents makes it very easy to use for transcription etc. And an external battery pack with three AA batteries allows me to record nearly 10 hours straight.


			Anthropology, Temple University
			<mailto:kerim.mail at>

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