Whorf Visuals

Christina Wasson c-wasson at nwu.edu
Wed Jan 19 17:05:13 UTC 2000

Thanks to everyone who responded to my query about visual diagrams that
might be used to help teach students about Whorf's discussion of time in
SAE and Hopi.  I received notes from Richard Senghas, Susan Blum, Jim
Wilce, David Samuels, and Rachel Reynolds.  The following sources of
diagrams were identified:

- Ohio State University's Language Files, 7th ed, p 430

- Related diagrams in other parts of Whorf's collected readings (1956, ed.
John B. Carroll), e.g. pp. 213, 243

- Related diagrams in John Lucy's 1992 _Language Diversity and Thought_

- A suggestion to bring in artifacts of different shapes and have students
categorize them by shape - I imagine this idea pertained to a discussion of
numeral classifiers

I ended up designing an overhead transparency with a few simple diagrams of
my own.  I will send it to anyone who is interested - the document is too
big to send to the whole list.  It has an SAE timeline composed of
endlessly repeating little men, and an endlessly repeating circle for the
Hopi sense of time.  The diagrams did seem to help my students and were
used by them in our discussion.


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