Lav Lgs IX (fwd)

Ellen L. Contini-Morava elc9j at
Wed Oct 11 18:55:27 UTC 2000

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 07:54:05 -0200
From: Bill Leap <wleap at>
To: Sarah Taub <Sarah.Taub at>,
     David Peterson <dpeterso at>,
     Christopher Stewart <cbs7 at>, Anna Livia <livia at>,
     birch moonwomon <bmoonwomon at>,
     denis provencher <provench.deni at>,
     Jay Lemke <jllbc at>, LIZMORRISH at,
     Norman Labrie <nlabrie at>
Subject: Lav Lgs IX

Hi folks. Lav Lgs VIII was a lot of fun and rich in discussion during and
between sessions. Not the largest crowd, but a lot of energy. And some
substantial planning for future conferences also emerged during the weekend,
some details of which I want to share here.

First, a small group of participants have agreed to function as *program
committee* for next year's conference. This is not intended as an elite
group. Anyone can help with program planning, as many of you regularly do.
But having a program committee helps ensure that the program will be
language centered and action-packed, and relieves burdens on the DC crew in
other ways.
    The Program Committee include: Birch Moonwomon (who has agreed to
coordinate, prima inter partes,  Program Committee activities), Anna Livia,
Liz Morrish, Denis Provencher, Jay Lemke, and Norman Labrie. The committee
members' email addresses are printed above. These are your contact persons
for program/panel ideas and other conference events. Or, if you prefer, send
ideas and proposals to me, and I will forward to them.

Second, the participation in the *text analysis workshop* continues to be
substantial each year, and participants report enjoying having opportunities
to work directly with language data in a group setting. Consequently,  we
anticipate having several workshop sessions next year, including
                 a session devoted exclusively to analysis of  glbtq
                 a  (separate) session on conversation analysis;
                 a session exploring analysis of print media text
                 a session exploring Francophone lgbtq narrative,  with
discussion conducted entirely in French;
as well as
                  a session examining  "homosex" messages and meanings
presented in 19th century literary and                             medical
David Peterson (dpeterso at is contact person for the 19th C
workshop. Otherwise, please direct  inquires regarding one of these sessions
to the program committee.

Third,  one thematic focus for next year's conference will be *Lavender
Language and Political Economy.* Jeff Maskovsky (Temple) has agreed to
coordinate a workshop/discussion session in which participants review basic
issues and themes in political economy as might be relevant and useful for
lgbtq language research. Roger Lancaster (George Mason) will join me in
coordinating a plenary session (and possibly a second session of volunteered
papers) which will focus on current research exploring relationships between
lgbtq languages and political economy in North Atlantic and other locations.
Please send me  (wlm at  your ideas, suggestions of suitable
participants, and submissions for presentations in one of these sessions.

    Regarding *conference dates.* The dates are under discussion, and the
program committee hopes to finalize this matter quite soon. I will email
promptly, as soon as they do.

    IN THE MEANTIME, you can help the cause by  forwarding this email to as
many people, list-serves, etc as might be interested. Anyone wanting to join
the Lav Lgs email list should send their particulars to me.

    With best wishes,

    Bill Leap


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