missing Tannen stuff

Rachel Reynolds rreyno1 at uic.edu
Wed Oct 24 11:31:02 UTC 2001

Hello everyone.

I am having a devil of a time locating a piece that I believe is by Deborah
Tannen (or a work in which she highlighted someone else's postulation),
about how some verbal events can display or index both solidarity and
heirarchy, simultaneously, and with the same interlocutor.  She may have
even used different terms like equality and power differential.  I remember
a simple diagram with an X and Y axis that accompanied it, and I think it's
fairly new because I can't find it in any of her older books like Talking
Voices (did she present it last year at AAA?).

Thanks for any help clearing my foggy mind.

Rachel "Take More Notes!" Reynolds, ABD
English and Linguistics
U of Illinois at Chicago

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