Fwd: 8th International Pragmatics Conference

Susan Ervin-Tripp ervintrp at socrates.berkeley.edu
Thu Apr 11 23:34:12 UTC 2002

>From: "Jef Verschueren" <jef.verschueren at ipra.be>
>TORONTO, Canada
>13-18 July 2003
>The 8th  International Pragmatics Conference will be held on 13-18 July 2003
>at the University of Toronto.
>  CONFERENCE CHAIR: Monica HELLER (Univ. of Toronto)
>LOCAL SITE COMMITTEE: Susan EHRLICH (York Univ.), Ruth KING (York Univ.),
>Normand LABRIE (Univ. of Toronto), Grit LIEBSCHER (Univ. of Waterloo),
>Bonnie McELHINNY (Univ. of  Toronto) Donna PATRICK (Brock Univ.)
>INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: In addition to the members of the Local
>Site Committee, the International Conference Committee  includes:  Charles
>ANTAKI (Loughborough Univ.), Jenny COOK-GUMPERZ (Univ. of California at
>Santa Barbara), Susan ERVIN-TRIPP (Univ. of California at Berkeley; IPrA
>President), GU Yueguo (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences),  Andreas JUCKER
>(Justus Liebig Univ. Giessen),  Ferenc KIEFER (Hungarian Academy of
>Sciences; chair, 7th IPC), Eniko NEMETH (Univ of Szeged), Ben RAMPTON
>(King's College London), Eddy ROULET (Univ. of Geneva),  Anna-Brita
>STENSTROM (Univ. of Bergen), Elizabeth TRAUGOTT (Stanford Univ.), Jef
>VERSCHUEREN (Univ. of Antwerp; IPrA Secretary General), Yorick WILKS (Univ.
>of Sheffield)
>THEMES: As always, the conference will be open to all themes relevant to the
>pragmatics of language in its widest sense as an interdisciplinary
>cognitive, social, and cultural perspective.  Prospective participants
>should, however, pay attention to the distribution of topics across event
>types, as described below. In addition, there is a special theme.
>Linguistic pluralism : policies, practices and pragmatics
>This is a theme that was chosen by the Local Site Committee and approved by
>the Consultation Board. It corresponds to the interests of a large number of
>IPrA members, and permits us to link cognitive, linguistic, social and
>political approaches to a phenomenon of long-standing interest in pragmatics
>and of current theoretical, as well as social and policy importance. The
>intention will be to focus the conference on making those links in a number
>of ways, ranging from choice of plenary speakers and special panels, to
>invitations to interested and relevant Canadians outside the academy. The
>theme is one which also fits the venue, given Canada's historical
>involvement in debates on such issues, and Toronto's profile as a major
>centre of new globalized urban multilingualism. However, it is meant here to
>go beyond traditional ideas about "multilingualism" understood as connecting
>linguistic difference primarily to ethnic or national distinctions, and
>rather to extend that concept to the links between language and all forms of
>social difference and social inequality. The theme is also appropriate to
>the expertise of the members of the Local Site Committee which is committed
>to tying academic approaches to broader public debates.
>PLENARY LECTURES: Plenary speakers will include
>Susan GAL (Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Chicago), Language ideologies and
>the practices of power: "Reading between the lines" during the Cold War
>Jocelyn LETOURNEAU (Département d'histoire, Univ. Laval, Québec), La langue
>comme lieu de mémoire et lieu de passage /  Language as realm of memory and
>Lorenza MONDADA (Sciences du Langage, Univ. Lumière, Lyon, France),
>Scientific knowledge as an interactional accomplishment: On the analysis of
>research groups in international networks
>Eni ORLANDI (Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Brazil), Le Discours en tant
>qu´objet spécifique dans l´histoire des Sciences du Langage / Discourse as a
>specific object in the history of Language Sciences
>Dan SPERBER (CNRS, Paris, France) Relevance theory: Pragmatics and beyond
>Ruth WODAK (Inst. für Sprachwissenschaft, Univ. of Vienna, Austria),
>European language policies and European identities
>* Oeuvre panels
>Jan BLOMMAERT (University of Ghent), Pierre Bourdieu: The ethnographic turn
>This panel is devoted to the work of Pierre BOURDIEU and its relevance for
>Charles BRIGGS (University of California at San Diego), Pragmatics of
>institutional discourse
>This panel is devoted to the work of Aaron CICOUREL and its relevance for
>Jenny COOK-GUMPERZ (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara), Basil Bernstein
>and pragmatics: class, code and language
>This panel is devoted to the work of Basil BERNSTEIN and its relevance for
>* Special topic panels
>Peter AUER (Univ. Freiburg), Acts of identity: Language indexing social
>Adriana BOLIVAR & Paola BENTIVOGLIO (Univ. Central de Venezuela), Changing
>attitudes to lesser languages in Latin America
>James COLLINS (State Univ. of New York - Albany), Class, Identity, and
>Literacy: Ethnographic and Discourse-Analytic Perspectives
>Werner KALLMEYER & Inken KEIM (Inst. für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim),
>Sociostylistic perspectives on language and identity
>Normand LABRIE (Univ. of Toronto), Enjeux de santé dans des sociétés
>Yaron MATRAS (Univ. of Manchester), The mixed language debate: Natural
>evolution and structural manipulation
>Donna PATRICK (Brock Univ.), Indigenous language stability and change
>Kanavillil RAJAGOPALAN (Univ. Estadual de Campinas) & Marilyn MARTIN-JONES
>(Univ. of Wales), Politics of language and the linguist
>Tomek STRZALKOWSKI (State Univ. of New York - Albany), Building automated
>multilingual call centers
>* General interest panels
>Jean-Paul BRONCKART & Laurent FILLIETTAZ (Univ. de Genève), L'analyse des
>actions et des discours en situation de travail
>Robyn CARSTON (Univ. College London), Relevance theory and word meaning
>Yrjo ENGESTROM (Univ. of California at San Diego), Activity theory,
>pragmatics and the study of language at work
>Katarzyna JASZCZOLT (Cambridge Univ.), Temporality and post-Gricean
>Asa KASHER (Tel Aviv Univ.), Revisiting philosophical pragmatics:
>Implicatures and speech act theory
>Michael PERKINS (Univ. of Sheffield), Pragmatics and language pathology
>Corinne ROSSARI & Eddy ROULET (Univ. de Genève), Les nouveaux développements
>dans les recherches sur les relations de discours et leurs marqueurs
>Scott SCHWENTER (Ohio State Univ.), Current issues in the diachronic
>micropragmatics of Romance languages
>Anna-Brita STENSTROM & Karin AIJMER (Univ. of Bergen & Univ. of Gothenburg),
>Conversation analysis: Different approaches to spoken interaction
>There is one submission deadline for paper and panel proposals: 1 November
>A call for papers with complete instructions is to be found on the IPrA
>website (address below). Paper versions can be requested from Ann Verhaert
>(ann.verhaert at ipra.be)
>GO TO: http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/
>Jef Verschueren
>IPrA Research Center
>University of Antwerp
>Universiteitsplein 1
>B-2610 Wilrijk
>tel. +32-3-8202773, fax & tel. +32-3-2305574
>jef.verschueren at ua.ac.be
>also visit the IPrA website at http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/

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