AAA call for papers

Jane Kathryn Managan jkm5967 at
Fri Mar 21 07:45:43 UTC 2003

We are looking for papers which explore the
connections between language, race, and space
(broadly defined). This panel, tentatively titled:
"Linguistic Ideologies of Race, Place, and Space,"
will investigate how physical space and spatial
relations influence language practice and, more
importantly, how linguistic styles play a part in
creating space and spatial relations. We are
especially interested in papers that document how
specific linguistic features or different language
varieties contribute to the imagining of physical
spaces and geographic divides. We seek to explore
how race gets "mapped onto" or is articulated
through these understandings of space. The papers we
have already included deal with various spatial
binaries: urban/rural, center/periphery,
hills/flatlands, etc.

Please send any questions or proposed abstracts to:
Jennifer Roth-Gordon at
Jennifer_Roth_Gordon at or Kathe Managan at
jkm5967 at by Monday, March 24th.

Kathe Managan
Ph.D. candidate
Department of Anthropology
New York University
jkm5967 at

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