Fw: Telling Google what to think

Alkistis Fleischer fleischa at georgetown.edu
Wed Nov 12 00:36:51 UTC 2003

An intriguing article that will be of interest to all of us who use Internet
search engines.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Le Monde diplomatique" <english at monde-diplomatique.fr>
To: "Le Monde diplomatique" <english at monde-diplomatique.fr>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 7:21 AM
Subject: Telling Google what to think

   Le Monde diplomatique


   November 2003


                     Telling Google what to think

   Google seemed a brilliant idea - an internet search engine based
      on an algorithm that quickly chose and displayed the most
     relevant and popular websites. But the web-savvy can easily
     manipulate it for the purposes of propaganda or advertising.

                                                 By PIERRE LAZULY *

     THE 3bn pages of the internet are the ultimate encyclopaedia:
     an incompar able quantity of information made available
     through tools that can answer almost any request in seconds.
     The web's search engines are so powerful that, with a just a
     few words to guide them, they can retrieve information on
     unknown topics.

     Surprisingly, ever fewer of these vital tools survive. Just
     four companies in the United States now provide the entire
     world's quality net search services. But the amount of data
     that has to be assimilated to point the inquirer in the right
     direction is increasing: thousands of computers are used to
     scour the web and sort information. The most important aspect
     is knowing how to recognise the most relevant pages, which
     constitutes a search engine's intelligence and determine its
     success or failure.

     Google proved this when it became the most popular search
     engine on the web in less than three years. Its fresh
     approach meant it could usually display the required
     information on its first page of results. The word quickly
     spread. Those in the know encouraged their friends to use
     Google and it went from 10,000 searches a day in 1999 to more
     than 200m in spring 2003. Google now runs 53% of the world's
     internet searches and its ubiquity means that many of its 70
     million users identify it with the internet itself.

     "Google has discreetly established itself as an essential
     tool whose role goes way beyond the usual idea of a search
     engine," says journalist François Pisani. "I don't just use
     it to find sites containing information. The nature of the
     results that come up is answer enough for many of my
     questions and the sites referred to are now just a means of

     But Google's supremacy leads to serious questions: how can an
     algorithm, however ingenious, choose the 10 most relevant
     responses to the request "Iraq" from the 3m pages containing
     this word? Like any search engine, Google has a fundamental
     limitation: it can only bring up publicly available
     information. If no one has published an article on the habits
     of the bearded vulture, any search for information on the
     bird will be fruitless. When you search the net you are not
     examining all available knowledge, but only what contributors
     - universities, institutions, the media, individuals - have
     chosen to make freely available, at least temporarily. The
     quality of it is essential to the relevance of the results.

     And although the total number of web pages grows unstoppably,
     some institutional information sources have deliberately
     reduced their content. Immediately after 11 September 2001, a
     number of official sites in the US deleted all sensitive
     data: one US army site had until then proudly shown the world
     its eight chemical weapons warehouses (1). Much civilian
     information was also removed. Geographical Information
     Services denied access to road maps (2), while the State of
     Pennsylvania shut down a web service that gave people access
     to charts of its telecommunications network including
     locations of school districts, hospitals and microwave sites
     (3). Some companies used the struggle against terrorism as an
     excuse to get rid of information that environmental groups
     had fought tough battles to release. California electricity
     gener ators withdrew data on their power stations' pollution
     emissions (4).

     The collapse of the new economy in 2001 also contributed to a
     reduction in information. More web publishers now reserve
     their articles for subscribers. This strategy, aimed at
     increasing revenue, makes sites seemingly disappear. Pages
     only accessible to subscribers (even free ones) are ignored
     by search engines. Even if the New York Times had published a
     remarkable investigation into the habits of the bearded
     vulture only last month, it wouldn't come up on a web search.
     Most of the press is now almost invisible.

     New players are taking over the net. Com panies wanting to
     increase their visibility make it their premier communication
     tool; militant organisations find it a great way of promoting
     their causes. And it is becoming more common for web-surfers
     to create their own personal sites. Self-publishing, once the
     preserve of geeks, has been democratised thanks to
     easier-to-use software.

     Faced with the influx of information in the mid-1990s, two IT
     students at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page,
     had an idea: a search engine based on a mathematical analysis
     of the relationships between websites would produce far
     better results than the basic techniques then in use.
     Convinced that the pages with the most links to them on other
     sites must be the most relevant ones, they decided to test
     this thesis as part of their studies, and did the basic work
     for a mathematical search engine. They founded their company
     in September 1998 - Google.

     To assess the relevance of web pages, Brin and Page invented
     PageRank, Google's special page evaluation system. The rank
     of a web page is constantly re-adjusted according to how
     many, and which other, sites carry links to it. The profile
     of isolated sites to which no one has provided a hyperlink
     remains low and so they are thought to be without legitimacy.
     Google considers sites that are frequently linked to as key
     pages. This novel algorithm produces impressive results.

     But a problem presents itself. Newly created sites are at a
     disadvantage: they will only become visible if they manage to
     attract the attention of well-established sites. Google's
     founders say: "PageRank is based on the purely democratic
     nature of the web." But they concede "votes from pages that
     are important themselves count for more, and boost the
     importance of other pages". It's a strange democracy where
     the voting rights of those in a position of influence are so
     much greater than those of new arrivals.

     Andrew Orlowski (5) explained how on 17 February 2003, an
     article on the front page of The New York Times described the
     protest movement: "The huge anti-war demonstrations around
     the world this weekend are reminders that there may still be
     two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world
     public opinion." The idea spread rapidly and the phrase was
     soon used by the United Nations secretary general, Kofi
     Annan. Over the following weeks, if you searched for "second
     superpower" on Google, this was the definition you got.

     On 31 March James F Moore of Harvard University put on his
     personal website the title "The second superpower rears its
     beautiful head" heading an anodyne text that used the term
     "second superpower" to describe net-heads (6). (This
     application could seduce even a Repub lican party member.)
     Techno-utopians seized on Moore's obscure article and made it
     a reference point. A month later, 27 of the first 30 results
     Google presented for the term "second superpower" pointed to
     Moore's piece. Moore, an expert on economic strategy,
     technology and leadership, knew what he was doing. Orlowski
     says: "Although it took millions of people around the world
     to compel the Gray Lady [the New York Times] to describe the
     anti-war movement as a 'second superpower', it took only a
     handful of webloggers to spin the alternative meaning to
     manufacture sufficient PageRank to flood Google with Moore's
     alternative, neutered definition. If you were wearing your
     Google-goggles, and it was your primary view of the world,
     you would have a hard time believing that the phrase 'second
     superpower' ever meant anything else."

     For Orlowski, this shows that "Google is not authentic but
     synthetic" since a search does not lead you to the principal
     reference on a subject, but to its most commonly referred-to
     application. Copyright legislation has exacerbated the
     problem: it forbids the publishing of copyrighted material
     online. A search for Raoul Vaneigem will lead you to his
     writings, since many of his books are available online, but
     type in the names of most writers and you will only get an
     invitation to buy their books, or at best, a review by
     another surfer. It is as though a library had to give up free
     loan of its books and replace them with summaries written by

     This absence of reference points leads to much careful
     manoeuvring on the ideological playing field. Curiously, the
     symbolic power - the possibility of making your own
     perception of a subject the dominant one - is one of the few
     outside conventional power structures. The dominant ideology
     is not over-represented. Searching for the French home office
     minister in charge of charters will throw up charities that
     support asylum seekers. Asked about a businessman, Google
     could easily ignore press releases and unearth financial

     The players' influence depends mainly on their relationship
     with the net. Creating a website is not enough: you must also
     be able to foster links with other sites and get recognition
     from those that matter.

     While many benefit in good faith from recognition of the
     content of their sites, others cunningly exploit weaknesses.
     Some companies specialise in producing, for the benefit of
     lobbies, information sites whose contents resemble business
     memos. Their apparent objectivity is often enough to seduce
     surfers into linking to them, bestowing on them valuable
     symbolic authority.

     Sensitive topics, such as genetically modified organisms or
     the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are the object of bitter
     struggles between different parties trying to make their
     ideology seem the more legitimate to Google. The manager of a
     key website - key to the search engines, anyway - was
     surprised to receive a business proposition: "I am interested
     in buying hyperlinks on your site to promote our clients'
     websites. There is no need for these links to be displayed
     prominently on your site: we are not expecting a direct
     increase in hits from this. Since your site is popular with
     the search engines, these links will make our sites more
     visible on them as well." The expert who sent this counted
     financial sites, travel agents and pharmaceutical companies
     among his clients.

     Google's limits are most evident when confronted with
     political questions, where there are radically different
     points of view among web users. Its mathematical criteria
     give de facto priority to certain opinions and can confer
     undue importance on texts that represent the opinion only of
     a few. Those who got there first in net use are now so
     well-established that they enjoy a level of representation
     out of proportion to their real importance. The quantity of
     links they maintain (especially through the mainly US
     phenomenon of webloggers) (7) mathematically give them
     control of what Google thinks.

     Google has proved brilliantly effective, technically and
     practically. But algorithms can't always determine what is

     * Pierre Lazuly manages and writes for the French-language
     websites menteur.com and rezo.net

     See also : For sale - to whom?

     (1) "Security Concerns Prompt Army to Review Web Sites
     Access", Defense Information and Electronics Report, 26
     October 2001,

     (2) San Francisco Chronicle, 5 October 2001.

     (3) The News Media and the Law, Review of the Reporters
     Committee for Freedom of the Press, Autumn 2002.

     (4) Jean-Pierre Cloutier, "Crise: Sites Web censurés,
     modifiés, amendés", Les Chroniques de Cybérie, 30 October
     2001 (in French).

     (5) Andrew Orlowski, "Anti-war slogan coined, repurposed and
     Googlewashed in 42 days", The Register, 4 March 2003,

     (6) James F Moore, "The Second Superpower Rears its Beautiful

     (7) Those who publish their own writings on a personal

                                      Translated by Gulliver Cragg


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