[Linganth] Fw: Call for papers/17th Nordic conference on Media and Communication Research

Kenneth Ehrensal ehrensal at kutztown.edu
Tue Apr 5 14:44:43 UTC 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Borchmann" <borchman at HUM.AAU.DK>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:22 AM
Subject: Call for papers/17th Nordic conference on Media and Communication

Call for papers!

Scholars from all disciplines within the social sciences and humanities are
invited to contribute on the theme Ocommunication through intimidation² at
the 17th Nordic conference on Media and Communication Research at Aalborg
University, Denmark August 11 ­ 14  - 2005

The theme ³communication through intimidation² is the heading for workgroup
nr. 26. The group is open to all, who takes a critical interest in
persuasive communication and the relationship between language and power,
and wish to explore the theme ³communication through intimidation².

By the phrase ³communication through intimidation² we hope to capture a
genre and practice of persuasive communication, which differs from
propaganda and other genres of persuasive communication by a series of
distinctive characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that
communication through intimidation presuppose a critical-reflective audience
but aims at securing submission, silence or consent by creating a diffuse
feeling of fear, of awe, or of powerless insecurity or a combination of
those feelings in the individual or the audience to whom the communication
is directed. A second distinctive characteristic is the communicational
means used to create these feelings and effects: sweet-talk combined with
critiques or threats, be they direct or indirect, patronizing ways of
addressing people, double talk or other sophisticated ways of displaying
strength. Communication through intimidation probably has its best working
conditions in situations/relations, where the unequal relationship of power
is known before the communication takes place, e.g. in the communication
between employer and employees.

Both theoretically oriented and empirical work is welcomed.

Abstracts can be submitted electronically at the conference homepage

Deadline for abstract is 1. May 2005. Notification of acceptance will be
sent by the end of May.

We hope you will be many to answer this call and look forward to seeing you
in August

For further information please contact: Thomas Borchmann (email:
borchman at hum.aau.dk

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