anthropology of letter writing

Kara Ja'Nice Crews kcrews at
Thu Jun 22 03:37:57 UTC 2006


The anthropology of literacy is one of my research
areas...This is a partial listing of some sources. The
Prinsloo volume has a chapter on literacy brokers. F. Niyi
Akinnaso is another source.  The Kalman book will have
additional sources.


Akinnaso, F. Niyi
1981 The Consequences of Literacy in Pragmatic and Theoretical
Perspectives. Anthropology & Education Quarterly. 8.3. pp.

Besnier, Niko.
1995 Literacy, Emotion, and Authority: Reading and Writing on
a Polynesian Atoll. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Coulmas, Florian.
2003 Writing Systems: An Introduction to their Linguistic
Analysis. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP.

Street, Brian. Ed.
1993 Cross-Cultural Approaches to Literacy. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP.

Prinsloo, M. and Breier, M. 1996. The Social Uses of Literacy.
Theory and Practice in Contemporary South Africa

Kalman, Judy.
Writing on the plaza : mediated literacy practice among
scribes and clients in Mexico City / Judy Kalman.
Imprint 	Cresskill, N.J. : Hampton Press, c1999.

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