
Rudolf P. Gaudio rudolf.gaudio at
Tue May 15 14:37:36 UTC 2007

Isn't Albright a native speaker of Czech?  That would give her a leg up on

Rudolf P. Gaudio
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Coordinator, Program in Media, Society & the Arts
School of Natural & Social Sciences
Purchase College, SUNY
Purchase, NY 11372
rudolf.gaudio at

On 5/15/07 10:19 AM, "Robert Lawless" <robert.lawless at> wrote:

> According to her biography in Wikipedia, "When the twins were born six
> weeks prematurely, [Madeliene] Albright took a course in Russian as a
> distraction. By the end of their hospital stay, she was fluent in the
> language." Dang! I studied Russian for years and never became fluent.
> Didn't Margaret Mead once say she could learn a language in three months?
> (And didn't she later retract this statement?) Robert.

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