dissertation survey about teaching

Courtney McGinty courtney.k.mcginty at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 17 18:37:39 UTC 2012


My name is Courtney McGinty and I’m a doctoral candidate in social
psychology at Ohio State University. The purpose of this email is to
request your participation in a brief survey that will help to validate a
new scale assessing instructors’ goals for the classroom.

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes and your response will be
completely anonymous.

I would like to thank you in advance for your participation. Your response
will be a significant contribution to my dissertation work. Please click
the link below to access the survey.


If you have any questions or have difficulty accessing the survey, please
contact me at courtney.k.mcginty at gmail.com.

Again, thank you,

Courtney McGinty

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