Fwd: Conflict and Communication Conference: Call for Papers

Conflict Conference theconflictconference at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 4 17:48:43 UTC 2013

Please forward this to interested faculty and graduate students.

The Conflict Conference (TCC) will hold its first annual conference at the
University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) on April 10-11, 2014. TCC is a
multidisciplinary annual conference promoting the study of conflict and
conflict resolution. We invite papers on any relevant topic such as
apologies, advocacy, dispute resolution, peace, negotiation,
reconciliation, mediation, restorative justice, conflict management, and

The DEADLINE for submissions is *DECEMBER, 20, 2013*. Notices of acceptance
will be sent no later than 31 January 2014. Paper proposals must include
the author’s name and institutional affiliation, the title of the paper,
and an abstract of no more than 150 words for the program. In addition,
proposals must include a 600 word extended abstract without personal
information. (Be as specific as you can, even if your project is still
gestating.) Documents must be attached to an email as a Word document. TCC
welcomes submissions from students. Please indicate student status in all
paper proposals. Please send all proposals to TCC at
*TheConflictConference at gmail.com* <TheConflictConference at gmail.com>*.*

Conference panels will be held on Thursday, April 10th, and Friday, April
11th on the UT-Austin campus. A keynote speaker will address the conference
both Thursday and Friday. TCC will host a cocktail mixer the evening of
Thursday, April 10th at a nearby off-campus location and host a closing
party off campus Friday, April 11th. A detailed schedule will be sent to
participants at a later date. A conference registration fee of USD $25.00
is required.


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