Wyoming History MA program looking for students

Leila Monaghan leila.monaghan at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 31 13:52:47 UTC 2014

Hi, can you let any undergrads you know about the opportunities at the
University of Wyoming?

The University of Wyoming History program has available GAships for
incoming students and is still accepting applications.  It is a small but
well rounded program with strengths in the American West including
available minors in American Indian Studies and Women and Gender Studies.
They have had a number of anthropologists in the program and are open to
people bringing in anthropological theory. Also, there is an anthropology
department that is four field with a PhD program and an emphasis on Plains
Indian archeology.


Happy to answer questions about the department.

all best,


Leila Monaghan, PhD
Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

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