[Linganth] updated Hate Speech/Free Speech list

Yazan Haitham Bisharah Doughan yazan at uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 24 08:08:14 UTC 2017

Dear all,

I am following this thread with great interest and feel grateful for all the useful suggestions. I am somewhat surprised, however, that the suggestions focus almost exclusively on racism and hate speech with hardly anything on free speech. This is particularly surprising given all the work on language ideologies in linguistic anthropology. It makes me wonder if the omission is simply due to the sense of urgency we all feel about combating hate speech, or if it is a sign of a deeper commitment to free speech as a language ideology that goes unnoticed in academia and in linguistic anthropology in particular (perhaps the latter possibility implies the former?). I would love to hear your  thoughts, and would very much appreciate some reading suggestions.


From: Linganth [linganth-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org] on behalf of Nora Tyeklar [ntyeklar at utexas.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 6:00 PM
To: Arnold, Lynnette
Cc: linganth at listserv.linguistlist.org
Subject: Re: [Linganth] updated Hate Speech/Free Speech list

Thank you, Lynette, for compiling this list. Teun Van Dijk's work comes to mind.

Racist Discourse. In Ellis Cashmore (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. (pp. 351-355). London: Routledge, 2004.

Elite discourse and institutional racism. To be published in Cameron McCarthy & Cathryn Teasley (Eds.), Transnational Perspective on Culture, Policy and Education. Redirecting Cultural Studies in Neoliberal Times. (pp. 93-111). New York: Lang, 2008.

Discourse Analysis of Racism. In John Stanfield (Ed.), Rethinking Race and Ethnicity in Research Methods. (pp. 43-66). Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2011.

A list of some of his publications can be found here: http://discourses.org/justpublished/

Also, this recent article came to mind, too:



On 2017. Aug 21., at 22:43, Arnold, Lynnette <lynnette_arnold at brown.edu<mailto:lynnette_arnold at brown.edu>> wrote:

Some more great resources have come in since I sent out the list, so I'm sending an updated version attached here with new resources highlighted.

Lynnette Arnold, PhD
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Anthropology
Swearer Center for Public Service
Cogut Center for the Humanities
Brown University
<Resources on hate speech.docx>
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