[Linganth] race, language, and law

Conley Riner, Robin conleyr at marshall.edu
Tue Jul 11 15:18:22 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Thanks so much for your responses to my inquiry about race publications. Here is a list of the suggestions I received in case anyone is interested.



Briggs, Charles.  (1997). Notes on a "confession": On the construction of gender, sexuality and violence in an infanticide case. Pragmatics 7(4):519-46.

        1996. Conflict, language ideologies, and privileged arenas of discursive authority in Warao dispute         mediation. In Charles L. Briggs, ed., Disorderly discourse: Narrative, conflict, and social inequality, pp.

        204-42. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Briggs, Charles and Clara Mantini-Briggs. 2000. "Bad Mothers" and the threat to civil society: Race, cultural reasoning, and the institutionalization of social inequality in a Venezuelan infanticide trial. Law & Social Inquiry 25(2):299-354.

Chavez, Alex. 2015 "So ¿Te Fuiste a Dallas? (So You Went to Dallas?/So You Got Screwed?): Language, Migration, and the Poetics of Transgression." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 25(2):15-172

D'hondt, S. (2009). Others on trial: The construction of cultural otherness in Belgian first instance criminal hearings. Journal of Pragmatics, 41(4), 806-828.

Dick, Hilary Parsons. 2011. Making Immigrants Illegal in Small-Town USA. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 21(1):35-55).

Mystille, Eliza. 2014. L'identité créolisée comme alternative aux complexités identitaires : une analyse discursive du genre et de la race dans quelques textes législatifs français. Thesis completed at Faculte des Arts Universite d'Ottawa.

Pollock, Mica. 2010. Because of Race: How Americans debate harm and opportunity in our schools. Princeton University Press.

Richland, Justin. 2011. "Hopi Tradition As Jurisdiction: On the Potentializing Limits of Hopi Tribal Sovereignty." Law and Social Inquiry 36(1): 201-234.

        2009. "'Language, Court, Constitution. It's All Tied Up Into One': The (Meta)pragmatics of Tradition in a         Hopi Tribal Court Hearing," In Paul Kroskrity and Margaret Field (eds.), Native American Language

        Ideologies: Beliefs, Feelings, and Struggles in Indian Country. Tuczon, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

        ?2007. "Pragmatic Paradoxes and Ironies of Indigeneity," American Ethnologist 34(3):540-558.

Rickford, John and Sahrese King (2016). Language and linguistics on trial: hearing Rachel Jeantel (and other vernacular speakers) in the courtroom and beyond. Language 92(4): 948-988.

Slobe, Tyanna. 2016. Creepy-ass Cracker in Post-Racial America: Don West's examination of Rachel Jeantel in the George Zimmerman murder trial. Text & Talk 36(5):613-635.

Sullivan, Grace. 2017. Problematizing minority voices: Intertextuality and ideology in the court reporter's representation of Rachel Jeantel's voice in the state of Florida v. George Zimmerman murder trial. PhD dissertation, Georgetown University.

Robin Conley Riner, PhD
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755-2678
Phone: (304) 696-2788

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