[Linganth] Call for chapter abstracts for edited volume "Reconceptualizing Language Affiliation, Use, and Proficiency Across Communities" - by Monday, 4/1/19

Netta Avineri navineri at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 03:58:21 UTC 2019

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite submissions for a forthcoming edited volume
provisionally titled “Reconceptualizing Language Affiliation, Use, and
Proficiency Across Communities”. Linguistic anthropologists and applied
linguists have long been interested in the complex relationships among
language uses/practices, beliefs/ideologies, and communities/cultures (cf.
Bloomfield, 1933; Del Valle, 2008; Friedman, 2009; Grenoble & Whaley, 2006;
Gumperz, 1968; Jaffe, 2007; Labov, 1972; Duranti, 1997; Morgan, 2006, 2014;
Silverstein, 1998; Watts, 1999). In heritage, minority, and endangered
language contexts, there can be a range of approaches to language practices
and ideologies that do not necessarily involve proficient use of the
language (cf. Jaffe, 2007; Kroskrity, 2009; Kushner-Bishop, 2001; Leonard,
2008; McEwans-Fujita, 2010; Nevins, 2004). Instead, language may be used
primarily as a symbol or emblem (cf. Ahlers, 2006), to build community (cf.
Avineri, 2018), to forge ethnic or religious identities, and/or to achieve
political and social recognition. This volume will therefore present a
range of case studies that explore the multitude of relationships among
individuals, communities, and languages within heritage, minority, and
endangered language contexts.

Guiding questions include:

What are the range of ways that language is mobilized as object?  How do
these uses intersect, conflict and/or synergize with symbolic and other
uses of language?

What is the relationship between the individual and the community in
heritage, lesser used, and endangered language contexts? How are distancing
and closeness to a language constructed?

How can we acknowledge diversity and complexity within communities?

How can both macro- and micro-level processes be acknowledged in our
considerations of what is a community?

How do community members themselves conceptualize their relationships to a
heritage, minority, or endangered language?

We are requesting a title and 250-word abstract by April 1st.  Submissions
and inquiries can be sent to: joharasta at cazenovia.edu and navineri at gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest.


Jesse Harasta, PhD                Netta Avineri, PhD

Assistant Professor of Social Science    TESOL/TFL Associate Professor

Cazenovia College                Middlebury Institute of International

Co-Editor                    Studies at Monterey

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