[Linganth] ling anth scholarship on borders and walls? AAA task force

K.E. Hoffman professorkeh at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 14:03:25 UTC 2019

Dear colleagues,

What linguistic anthropological scholarship exists on borders and security
walls, particularly in terms of implications for populations living in the
affected regions? Please send me suggestions of research/publications that
should be considered for a report for the AAA’s Proliferation of Border and
Security Walls Task Force (APBWTF) at khoffman at northwestern.edu. In
addition to work in linguistic anthropology, I am compiling a bibliography
in legal anthropology on this topic, so any suggestions would be welcome.

The AAA request asks that the task force:

“Investigate and prepare relevant evidence that documents the global
proliferation of border and security walls, as well as the impacts of these
walls. This includes, but is not limited to, the displacement of native
peoples; increased militarization; forcing migrants, refugees, and asylum
seekers to take more dangerous routes; the division of communities and
families; an increase in violence and death; environmental impacts, and the
adverse effects of wall construction on archaeological and cultural
heritage sites.”

Thank you in advance, and apologies for cross-posting.

Katherine E. Hoffman

khoffman at northwestern.edu
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