[Linganth] Please consider running for an AAA Linguistic Seat!

Kira Hall kira.hall at colorado.edu
Wed Sep 25 17:51:31 UTC 2019

Dear SLA members:

I'm writing you together with Adrienne Lo, who is a member of the AAA nominations committee. We're hoping you have all seen the recent calls to run for office from the AAA president, Elizabeth Briody. There are 11 positions open this year, with two specifically designated for linguistic anthropology.  It’s very important for the SLA to have our perspectives represented.  Please consider running for one of these offices!  The deadline for applications is October 2nd.  Here are the open positions:

AAA Executive Board

  *   Biology Seat
  *   Archaeology Seat
  *   Linguistic Seat
  *   Undesignated Seat #3

AAA Nominations Committee

  *   Biology Seat
  *   Linguistic Seat
  *   Undesignated Seat #1

Members Programmatic Advisory & Advocacy Committee (MPAAC)

  *   World Anthropologies Seat
  *   Student Seat
  *   Ethics Seat
  *   Minority Seat

The application requires two letters of support.  Adrienne and I are happy to support the candidacy of anyone who wants to run, so if you let us know by this Friday, Sept 27th, we can provide one of these letters for you.

Click Here to get more Information and see the Process<https://www.americananthro.org/ParticipateAndAdvocate/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=1777>

Please consider self-nominating for one of these positions to ensure that linguistic anthropology has a voice in AAA decision-making! We hope to hear from you.

Kira and Adrienne

Kira Hall, Professor
Departments of Linguistics and Anthropology
Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Linguistics
Director, Program in Culture, Language, and Social Practice<https://www.colorado.edu/program/clasp/> (CLASP)
Director, The Literacy Practicum<https://www.colorado.edu/linguistics/literacy-practicum>
University of Colorado Boulder


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