[Linganth] DEADLINE JULY 12: AAA Grad Student Roundtable on Virtual Methods

Kristina Nielsen kniels at sas.upenn.edu
Fri Jul 8 13:03:03 UTC 2022

Dear SLA Graduate Students, Recent Grads and Mentors,

During the past few years, many of us have been forced to learn new virtual
methods of doing our work as linguistic anthropologists. Graduate students
are often at the front of developing new methods of teaching,
professionalization and research. In response to this, the SLA will be
organizing a round table at the AAA meeting in Seattle which will feature
the virtual lessons which graduate students (and recent grads) have learned
while adapting to working through virtual medium. If you are a graduate
student or recent graduate and would like to have your work highlighted or
share a lesson that you have learned in the form of a short presentation
and discussion, I would like to invite you to participate in this round
table. If you are interested please send me an email with:

1. You name
2. Affiliation
3. AAA affiliated email
4. A few sentences about what aspect of your virtual/digital work you would
like to share in this round table. This could be lessons about virtual
research methods, teaching online, non-academic and academic career
advancement or digital publication.
5. A conformation that you will be attending the AAA meeting in person

Please indicate your interest by* 5pm on* *Wednesday, July 12th. *I would
also greatly appreciate if any mentors or colleagues of graduate students
and recent grads who might be interests in this event would forward this
email to relevant Linguistic Anthropology students. My email is
kniels at sas.upenn.edu.

Thank you for your consideration,
Kristina Nielsen

Graduate Student Representative to the Society for Linguistic Anthropology
PhD Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
kniels at sas.upenn.edu
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