I tried to post the two USF job announcements to the linganth list, but
it didn't let me, I guess because I'm writing from my new usf account and
I subscribed from barnard. could you please forward them to the list?
also, looks like I should resubscribe from my new post, but I forgot how
to do it. could you help me? thanks again<br><br>
The Department of Communication Studies at University of San Francisco
invites applications for a tenure-track position in Intercultural
Communication. This position will be at the Assistant Professor level and
will begin in Fall 2004, pending approval and funding. <br>
Teaching responsibilities include courses in intercultural communication
and advanced courses in candidate's area of specialization. The ability
to teach one to several of the following courses is also desirable:
research methods, ethnography of communication, language and social
interaction, and/or organizational communication. <br>
Qualifications: University teaching experience, evidence of a strong
commitment to teaching, evidence of scholarship, an earned doctorate by
Fall 2004, experience and willingness to work in a culturally diverse
environment, and an understanding of and commitment to support the
mission of the University are required. The candidate will be expected to
develop an independent and ongoing research program. <br><br>
The Department of Communication Studies at University of San Francisco
invites applications for a tenure-track position in Interpersonal
Communication. This position will be at the Assistant Professor level and
will begin in Fall 2004, pending approval and funding. <br>
Teaching responsibilities may include courses in interpersonal
communication and advanced courses in candidate's area of specialization.
Ability to teach research methods, nonverbal communication, and group
communication is also desirable. <br>
Qualifications: University teaching experience, evidence of a strong
commitment to teaching, evidence of scholarship, an earned doctorate by
Fall 2004, experience and willingness to work in a culturally diverse
environment, and an understanding of and commitment to support the
mission of the University are required. The candidate will be expected to
develop an independent and ongoing research program. <br><br>
Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae,
graduate transcripts, brief description of research plans, copies of
recent research papers, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of
teaching ability including copies of teaching evaluations, and three
letters of recommendation to the address below. <br>
Applications must be received by <b>October 15, 2003</b> in order to
ensure full consideration. <br><br>
<a href="http://oldwww.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/jobview.cfm?ID=7436" eudora="autourl">http://oldwww.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/jobview.cfm?ID=7436</a><br><br>