Miami University (in Ohio) is looking for a linguistic anthropologist for
a one-year visiting position. This is very much an "early
bird" position--we'll be reviewing and interviewing candidates as
their applications come in to try to get it filled before finals week
(first week in May). PLEASE feel free to circulate this as widely
as possible and to repost it to other lists.<br><br>
Miami University, Department of Anthropology, seeks a Visiting
Anthropologist for nine-month appointment at the rank of Visiting
Assistant Professor beginning in August, 2006. The successful
candidate will show evidence of teaching excellence. The candidate
must be able to teach courses in Peoples of the World, Language and
Culture, and/or a general four-field Introduction to Anthropology
course. Ph.D. or ABD required in Anthropology. Women and minorities
are encouraged to apply. Applicants should send a letter, vita,
selected evidence of teaching excellence, and names/addresses/phone
numbers/e-mail addresses for three (3) references immediately.
Please express mail or fax your materials to: Dr. Ronald H.
Spielbauer, Acting Chair; Department of Anthropology; 164 Upham Hall,
Miami University; Oxford, Ohio 45056; fax: 513/529-8396;
<a href="mailto:spielbrh@muohio.edu">spielbrh@muohio.edu</a>;
telephone: 513-529-8399. Screening will begin immediately and
will continue until the position is filled. </body>