<div dir="ltr">Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Faculty of Social Sciences, Air University is pleased to announce its Call for Papers for 3-days (15, 16 & 17 December 2015) International Conference entitled Emerging Trends of Researching Language, Linguistics and Literature. The conference would be housed in the Department of Humanities, Air University, Main Campus PAF Complex, Sector E-9 Islamabad. The conference would be followed by a paid workshop on Corpus Development conducted by national and international experts on 18th December 2015 (the details about the workshop are available on the conference website Link: <a href="http://portals.au.edu.pk/eng/Home.aspx">http://portals.au.edu.pk/eng/Home.aspx</a>).    <br><br>Due to the increasing number of requests, the deadlines of the conference have been extended and the conference dates have been shifted accordingly.<br><br>Conference Title: First International Conference on “Emerging Trends of Researching Language, Linguistics and Literatureâ€<br>Conference Theme: Bridging Gaps between Traditions and Innovations in Research of Language, Linguistics and Literature<br>Date of the conference: December 15, 16 & 17, 2015<br>Date for Abstract Submission: October 30th, 2015<br>Date for Submission of Full Paper: November 29, 2015<br>Link to the conference website: <a href="http://portals.au.edu.pk/eng/Home.aspx">http://portals.au.edu.pk/eng/Home.aspx</a><br><br>Date of the corpus workshop: December 18, 2015<br>Date for Submission of Corpus Workshop Form: October 15h, 2015<br><br>The registration is mandatory for presentation and participation for conference and corpus workshop. The registration is now open (please refer to the website).<br><br>The Abstract Submission Form is available on conference website (here) and its Facebook page (AU HUM Conferences). Please send your abstract at <a href="mailto:auhum2015@gmail.com">auhum2015@gmail.com</a>.<br>Further details about registration procedure and submission guidelines for the full paper are also available on the website link provided above.<br><br>For any queries regarding the program, please feel free to contact the conference coordinators. We look forward to seeing you at Air University’s First International Conference on “Emerging Trends of Researching Language, Linguistics and Literatureâ€. <br><br><br>Regards,<br><br>Conference Convener<br>Prof Dr Wasima Shehzad<br>Dean Faculty of Social Sciences<br>Air University, Islamabad<br><a href="mailto:wasima@mail.au.edu.pk">wasima@mail.au.edu.pk</a><br><br>Conference Coordinators    <br>1.Akhtar Abbas                 2. Dr. Farzana Masroor<br>Cell# 03345252753               <a href="mailto:auhum2015@gmail.com">auhum2015@gmail.com</a><br><a href="mailto:auhum2015@gmail.com">auhum2015@gmail.com</a><br> 3. Tehseen Zahra                4. Tahir Abbas<br> Cell#03336105584                Cell# 03341572650<br> <a href="mailto:auhum2015@gmail.com">auhum2015@gmail.com</a>            <a href="mailto:auhum2015@gmail.com">auhum2015@gmail.com</a><br>                                                                      <br></div>