head-only case marking in NPs?

Peter Arkadiev peterarkadiev at YANDEX.RU
Sun Jul 24 13:45:32 UTC 2011

Dear typologists,

I am looking for unequivocal examples of one of the classes of Dench & Evans' (1988) typology of case marker distribution over constituents of an NP, viz. for "head marking". Examples I need (if they exist at all) are of the following kind: (i) the case marker can attach to the head noun of the NP only, and not to any of its modifiers, and (ii) the position of the head can be NP-internal, i.e. neither NP-initial nor NP-final. In other words, I need examples adhering to the following scheme:

[ Mod   N-case   Mod] NP

The Uradhi example provided by Dench & Evans (1988: 5) is not unequivocal, since there the noun is NP-initial, so this could well be an instance of well-documented second-position (Wackernagel) case-marking. 

Thank you in advance!

Best wishes,


Peter Arkadiev, PhD
Institute of Slavic Studies
Russian Academy of Sciences 
Leninsky prospekt 32-A 119334 Moscow
peterarkadiev at yandex.ru

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