[Lingtyp] Call for papers: Workshop Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners: diachrony and variation University of Pavia, Pavia (Italy) - 2 September 2019

Silvia Luraghi silvia.luraghi at unipv.it
Fri Feb 22 20:35:25 UTC 2019

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*Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners: diachrony and variation*

*University of Pavia, Pavia (Italy) - 2 September 2019*

Following the Workshop on Partitive Determiners and Partitive Case (Venice,
13-14 November 2017) the second workshop of the PARTE Network will take
place in Pavia on September 2nd, 2019.

PARTE (PARTititvity in European languages) is a network of nine research
teams from European universities, which combines theoretical linguist,
dialectologists, historical linguists, typologists, and applied linguists.
It is funded by NWO (the Netherlands Organization for scientific research)
and co-funded by the Universities of Zurich, Venice, Budapest and Pavia.

*Aims of the Workshop*

The workshop aims to bring together researchers on partitive cases,
including genitives or ablatives used as partitives, partitive determiners,
partitive pronouns, and other partitive elements, and focusing on their
diachronic development, on dialectal variation, language contact and
language acquisition.

*Contact person: Silvia Luraghi, University of Pavia, luraghi at unipv.it
<luraghi at unipv.it>*

*Workshop website: http://paviapartitives.wikidot.com/

*Invited speakers*

   - Michael Daniel, National Research University Higher School of
   Economics, Moscow
   - Riho Grünthal, University of Helsinki

*Scientific Committee*

Anna Cardinaletti, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice

Michael Daniel, HSE, Moscow

Giuliana Giusti, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice

Riho Grünthal, University of Helsinki

Tuomas Huumo, University of Turku

Iván Igartua, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz

Tabea Ihsane, University of Geneva

Silvia Luraghi, University of Pavia

Petra Sleeman, University of Amsterdam

Anne Tamm, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary,

*Call for papers*

Abstracts are invited for oral and/or poster presentation.

Abstracts must be anonymous and no longer than two pages, 12 pt single
spaced in pdf format.

Please submit your abstract through Easychair:

*Important dates*

   - Deadline for submission: 31 March 2019
   - Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2019
   - Workshop: 2 September 2019


The term ‘partitive’ has been used in linguistic literature in reference to
different types of linguistic items (morphemes and/or constructions). In
the first place, partitive may refer to partitive nominal constructions,
codifying the part-whole relation, as in *I drank some of the wine from
that bottle*, or to pseudo-partitive nominal constructions, as in *I drank
a glass of wine* (Koptjevskaja-Tamm 2001: 527).

In contrast to these two well-described types of construction, other items
that are also referred to as partitives have, until recently, never
received a unified treatment, in spite of striking similarities. Such
partitive elements include partitive cases, as in Finnish or Estonian,
partitive determiners, as in Basque, French and Italian, and partitive
pronouns, as in Germanic and Romance languages.

(1)        *Elmeri*   *löys-i                mansiko-i-ta.*

            Elmer    find-3sg.pst     strawberry-pl-par [Finnish]

(2)        *Elmer    ha                     trovato*

            Elmer    have.3sg.prs    find.pst.ptcp    art.par.f.pl
strawberry(f).pl [Italian]

            “Elmer found some strawberries.”

In (1) and (2) the NPs *mansikoita* and *delle fragole* ‘some strawberries’
refer to an indefinite quantity of not previously identified items,
contrary to partitive nominal constructions and do not even qualify as
pseudo-partitive nominal constructions (Luraghi/Huumo 2014). Partitive
pronouns refer to indefinite quantities, as *ne *in (3).

(3)        *Elmer    ne                     ha

            Elmer    par.pron          have.3sg.prs
many.f.pl [Italian]

            “Elmer found many (of them).”

A number of recent publications have highlighted cross-linguistic and
typological similarities of partitive elements, including cases,
partitively used genitives or ablatives, determiners, and pronouns
(Luraghi/Huumo 2014, Ihsane/Stark fothc.). Research on the rise of
partitive elements has shown their relation to other linguistic items and
constructions. For example, the French partitive article is the outcome of
the fusion of the genitive/ablative preposition *de* with the definite
article, and its diachrony can be traced down in historical sources
(Carlier 2007). In in Finnic languages (Wickman 1955: 27), the partitive
case ending has been shown to have originated out of older ablative cases
or postpositions. The partitive use of the genitive case is typical of
Ancient Indo-European languages as well. Remarkably, some of these
languages feature a separate ablative case, the development is partly
different, and the partitive meaning seems to be directly connected with
the genitive, not necessarily involving the ablative (see Luraghi/Kittilä
2014:49-53). Hence, more research on diachrony is needed. Research on
language contact suggests that the extension of partitive elements may be
an areal phenomenon (Bjarnadóttir/De Smit 2013, Seržant 2015), and that
partitive elements may constitute a characteristic but up to now not
acknowledged feature of Standard Average European (Luraghi/De Smijt/Igártua
forthc.). In the Oceanic area available indefinite partitives show a
different extension and possibly different diachronic developments from
European partitive elements (Budd 2014), which would also be worth
investigating more in depth.

Moreover, dialectal variation in virtually all areas in which languages
show partitive elements is under-investigated, and especially non-standard
varieties deserve more accurate and in-depth treatment. In several areas,
data are missing where native speakers of the dialects are disappearing.
Research on contact among languages of different genetic affiliation and
contact among varieties, including standard and sub-standard, of the same
language is of paramount importance for the understanding of both
diachronic change and synchronic variation (e.g. Cerruti/Regis forthc.).
Partitive determiners may exist in Luxembourgish, possibly as a contact
phenomenon, but available descriptions are superficial, and confuse
different constructions. Romance languages possessing partitive determiners
also have (clitic) partitive pronominals (Ihsane 2013), but from a
comparative perspective it is unclear whether partitive pronominals that
also occur in Germanic varieties (cf. Glaser 1992), have the same syntactic
distribution and meaning(s) as Modern Romance ones*.* In this perspective,
learners’ varieties also deserve attention, as they can help shed light on
how interference between languages with and without partitive elements

*Possible topics *

   - The rise of partitive cases, pronouns and determiners: origin of the
   development, grammaticalization, constructional change.
   - Partitives and indefiniteness: Moravcsik (1978: 272) mentions among
   typical semantic correlates of partitives the definitness-indefinitness of
   the noun phrase. How does this function of partitives emerge, and how does
   it correlate with the morphological status of the partitive element (case
   marker vs. determiner, cf. Luraghi/Kittilä 2014: 20-27).
   - What is the relation between partitive elements and other markers of
   NP indefiniteness, e.g. indefinite articles? Is the relation the same in
   different linguistic areas?
   - How specific cases (genitives, ablatives, ...) develop into partitive
   markers and possible constrains on ensuing syncretism: what is the relation
   between the genitive, the partitive and the ablative in languages that
   feature distinct cases? Do other cases e.g. locatives, or other determiners
   e.g. the numeral one/indefinite article (see Budd 2014 on Oceanic
   languages) also develop into partitives?
   - Partitive elements deriving from case markers (cases, adpositions) do not
   show the typical function of case markers to indicate grammatical relations
   (Moravcsik 1978, Luraghi 2003, Luraghi/Kittilä 2014 among others). How does
   this shift come about precisely?
   - Contact induced change and the rise or loss of partitive elements as
   documented in historical varieties (e.g. Ibero-Romance, see Carlier/Lemiroy
   - Dialectal variation, including field studies and documentation of
   vernacular and sub-standard varieties of poorly documented languages.
   - The acquisition of partitives: bilingual speakers and learners. How
   are partitive elements acquired? Do bilingual speakers of languages that
   feature different types of partitive elements show interference in their
   use of partitive elements?


Bjarnadóttir, Valgerður and Merlijn De Smit. 2013. Primary argument
case-marking in Baltic and Finnic. *Baltu Filologija* 22:1. 31–65.

Budd, Peter. 2014. Partitives in Oceanic languages. Luraghi/Huumo*, *523–561.

Carlier, Anne. 2007. From preposition to Article: the grammaticalization of
the French partitive. *Studies in Language* 31(1). 1–49.

Carlier, Anne and Beatrice Lamiroy. 2014. The gramaticalization of the
prepositional partitive in Ro- mance. In S. Luraghi e T. Huumo (eds.),
Case and Related Categories*. Berlino: Mou- ton de Gruyter. 477-519.

Cerruti, Massimo and Riccardo Regis. Forthcoming. Partitive determiners in
Piedmontese: a case of language varia- tion and change in a contact
setting. In Ihsane/Stark, fothcoming*.*

Glaser, Elvira. 1992. Umbau partitiver Strukturen in der Geschichte des
Deutschen. *Sprachwissenschaft* 17:2. 113-132.

Ihsane, Tabea. 2013. *En* pronominalization in French and the structure of
nominal expressions. *Syntax* 16(3). 217–249.

Ihsane, Tabea and Elisabeth Stark (eds.). Forthcoming. *Shades of
Partitivity: Formal and areal properties*. Special Issue in *Linguistics*.

Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria. 2001. „A piece of the cake‟ and „a cup of tea‟.
In *Circum-Baltic Languages*. Volume 2: *Grammar and Typology*, Östen Dahl
& Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 523-568

Luraghi, Silvia 2003. *On the Meaning of Prepositions and Cases. A Study of
the Expression of Semantic Roles in Ancient Greek*.  Amsterdan: Benjamins.

Luraghi, Silvia & Tuomas Huumo (eds.). 2014. *Partitive cases and related
categories*. Berlin.

Luraghi, Silvia and Seppo Kittilä. 2014. The typology and diachrony of
partitives. In Silvia Luraghi & Tuomas Huumo (eds). *Partitive Cases and
Related Categories*. Berlin/New York, Mouton De Gruyter, 17-62

Luraghi, Silvia, Merlijn De Smit and Iván Igártua. Forthcoming. Contact
indiced change in the languages of Europe. In Ihsane/Stark, fothcoming*.*

Moravcsik, Edith 1978. On the case marking of objects. In Joseph Greenberg *et
al*. (eds.) *Universals of Human Language*, vol IV. *Syntax.* Stanford
University Press, 249-290.

Seržant, Ilja. 2015. Independent partitive as a Circum-Baltic
isogloss. *Journal
of Language Contact* 8. 341–418.

Wickman, Bo. 1955. *The form of the object in the Uralic languages*.
Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell.

Silvia Luraghi
Università di Pavia
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Sezione di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata
Strada Nuova 65
I-27100 Pavia
tel.: +39/0382/984685
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