[Lingtyp] Two PhD positions (historical ling. & socioling.), Paris, France

Rozenn Guérois rozenn.guerois at cnrs.fr
Thu May 4 15:21:58 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

The Research unit LLACAN (Langage, langues et cultures d’Afrique, 
CNRS-INALCO-EPHE, Paris) invites applications for 2 three-year PhD 
positions, as part of the project /OriKunda: On the origins of Chikunda, 
"a language without a land"/, funded by the French /Agence Nationale de 
la Recherche/ (ANR-22-CE54-0009-01) in the form of a Research Grant 
awarded to Rozenn Guérois (PI, CNRS LLACAN).

- PhD student position in historical-comparative linguistics. For 
details, see https://llacan.cnrs.fr/orikunda_phd1.pdf

- PhD student position in sociolinguistics. For details, see 

Please, spread the word!

Best wishes,


Rozenn Guérois
Chargée de Recherche CNRS LLACAN (Language, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique)
7 rue Guy Môquet, Villejuif, FRANCE
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